490th Armored Field Artillery Battalion  Back to Member Photos

My Dad, Captain Hank Carey was intelligence officer for the 490th AFA and was one of the first officers to join the unit at Camp Polk.

Attached are two JPEG images.

The first "HankOfficers092444.jpg" (322K) was taken in Floral Park NY on September 24, 1944. Dad is on the far left. The other three officers are not identified.

"We stayed at Camp Dix while we took all of our shots, signed all kinds of documents and prepared to move from the middle of New Jersey to the New York waterfront. There were trips into New York to see the sights. I took three of the battalion officers home to Floral Park to see that they had a good meal. Nanna Kitty lived up to my expectations."

We don't know too much about the second image,"Spring1945Austria.jpg" but we guess that it was taken at Ault Ausee when the 490th was stationed there watching the salt mines. This is a mixed group of officers and enlisted as well as a French Officer.

Dad is in the second row, 2nd from left. 

Joe Carey