We are pleased to announce the formation of the 11th Armored Division Legacy Group. The Legacy Group, which received the unanimous approval of the Planning & Dissolution Committee and the Board of Governors at the Louisville reunion, will serve to perpetuate the website and act as a communications hub for veterans, spouses, descendants, and friends of the 11th Armored Division. The Legacy Group's primary purpose is to perpetuate the 11th AD website for future generations. It is not intended to be a successor organization to the 11th AD Association but rather an informal group that will manage and fund the website and, as necessary, adapt the historical material on the website to any future developments in technology. The Legacy Group will also function as a communications center for those who want to stay in touch and also as a way to disseminate 11th AD news following the printing of this newsletter. All are welcome and encouraged to join the email roster, and interested persons should submit email information to abardery@gmail.com. For those who do not have email, please contact Bob Pfeiffer and request an “email buddy” who will forward future correspondence by regular mail. Bob can be reached by telephone at 724-375-6295 or by mail at: 2328 Admiral Street 11th ARMORED DIVISION LEGACY GROUP STEERING