Welcome to the 11th Armored Division Association Guestbook

Visitor's Name: Lawrence Brill
Email: vmx641@hotmail.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Westerville, Ohio
Comments: I would like to hear from anyone who knew my father, Lawrence D. Brill. He was in the 492 Field Arty Btn. He died in 1952.

Sign Time: January 26 2004 at 18:59:10

Visitor's Name: Janell (Bishopp) Black
Email: janell@thementorgroup.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Troutdale, Oregon
Comments: Your webwsite is a godsend for the child of a WWII war veteran, soldier of the 11th Armored Division, 491st Armored Field Artillery, researching her father's military service history. My father, Robert J. Bishopp, is a past president of the 11th Armored Division Association (1995). He is now deceased (May, 2000) as reported on your website. Thank you for your efforts in both keeping the memory of the men of this division alive and for ensuring future generations have accurate historical information about their fathers, grandfathers, uncles and cousins.

Sign Time: January 25 2004 at 18:31:42

Visitor's Name: Teri Wickering Cotter
Email: cottertlc@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Belding mi
Comments: Hi! I am looking for anyone who knew my father, John (Hank) Wickering. Dad passed away in 1971, long before my children were born. I now have two sons in the military (one is serving as a mortar man with the 3rd armored calvery in Iraq). I know they would love to hear stories about their grandfather. Please e-mail me with any stories or pictures you would be willing to share.

Sign Time: January 25 2004 at 17:51:42

Visitor's Name: Leslie Klug
Email: lesherb@cfl.rr.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Long Island NY (now in Florida)
Comments: I am pretty ignorant about my father's history in WWII. I was born 15 years after the end of the war and I just didn't pay attention to his stories (I am saddened by this). My father passed away in 1989. His name was Roger F. Klug and served in the 11th Armored Division. I have some pins he had collected and three of them had notated the following information: 41st Arm'd Regt.; 41st Tank Bn 9/43-8/45; 778 Tank Bn 9/43-8/45. The last pin has the works "Hurl the Thunderbolt" on it. I remember my father attending reunions and receiving a newsletter/publication called The Thunderbolt. If there is anyone who remembers my Dad, I'd love to hear from you. He was from Long Island, NY (East Quogue) and loved the big bands and cars. I imagine those were big topics of discussion for him. He later became a police officer in my hometown of Southampton, NY and acheived the rank of Lieutenant. I miss him very much. Thanks, Leslie Klug

Sign Time: January 12 2004 at 09:20:32

Visitor's Name: Hannes Eichsteininger
Email: H.Eichsteininger@gmx.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Austria, Ried
Comments: Dear Sirs, My name is Hannes Eichsteininger. I am an Austrian historian currently working on the history of Ried, a town in Upper Austria. Who has any rememberance to the days of the 11th Armored Division in Ried (some units of the Division were there in autumn 1945) Thank you for any response!

Sign Time: January 06 2004 at 09:53:04

Visitor's Name: Kurt Laughlin
Email: FLEETA@peoplepc.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Aliquippa PA
Comments: I am looking for photographs of the M3A3 Stuart light tank. This was similar to the M5A1 Stuart that the 11th took to Europe but it had a radial air-cooled engine rather than twin Cadillacs. Pictures of US versions are rare because most of them were sent to the British. The 11th AD did have some while training stateside in 1943. Any help would be appreciated, please contact me at FLEETA@peoplepc.com Kurt Laughlin

Sign Time: January 04 2004 at 10:28:52

Visitor's Name: Bill Rattenni
Email: bjejn@aol.com
Homepage URL: http//
You are from: Wilmington, Delaware
Comments: I was hoping to hear from anyone who may have served in the 11th. Armored Division with my father, "Carlo Rattenni" from Wilmington, Delaware. My father served in Europe, during WW II with General Patton. My Dad is really looking forward to attending your reunion in August, but has vision difficulties. I would love to hear from anyone who may be attending, that may be able to stop by and say hello to my father. Thanks, Bill Rattenni bjejn@aol.com

Sign Time: December 30 2003 at 11:28:15

Visitor's Name: John B. Joyce III
Email: johnj@bitstech.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Houston, Tx.
Comments: My grandfather, John B. Joyce Sr. served in WWII. I recently received some photos which have been in the family for years. It seems that my grandfather served at Camp Barkeley in 42'. I have a picture with the following inscription "old glory in front of camp headquarters taken from a moving jeep. camp barkeley, texas july 1942. If anyone out there knew my grandfather please contact me. Thanks to all and God Bless America.

Sign Time: December 29 2003 at 08:16:50

Visitor's Name: Tom Burchill
Email: tsburch@direcway.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Page, ND
Comments: My Great Uncle, George A. Nielson served in Company C of the 22nd Tank Battalion. He was killed in action March 3, 1945 at Prum, Germany. I would be interested in hearing from anyone who served in the 22nd Tank Battalion. Thank you to all who have served our country to preserve the freedoms we have.

Sign Time: December 27 2003 at 17:52:36

Visitor's Name: randy white
Email: rcmdkwhite@ecr.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: centerburg, ohio
Comments: my father served in germany in WWII as a tank driver. His name is Dessell White. He remembers his commander was from Mansfield Ohio but he can't remember his name. If anyone knows how I can find this information please let me know. Thanks

Sign Time: December 27 2003 at 06:45:58

Visitor's Name: Dawn Rosarius
Email: dawn.rosarius@amedd.army.mil
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Frederick, MD
Comments: My grandfather, Charles B. Palmer of Middletown, MD was a member of Company C, 21st Armored Infantry Battalion. He is still alive and has provided us with some information, but I'm curious about Company C. Does anyone have any information regarding Company C, 21st AID? Thanks and happy holidays

Sign Time: December 26 2003 at 06:02:29

Visitor's Name: carol chalmers riley
Email: rile@access4less.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Bakersfield california
Comments: Hi My name is Carol Chalmers Riley. My dad was in the 82nd airborne 11th armored division. Does anyone know of Luther Arnold Chalmers He was from Yakama Washington. He was a mechanic and a paratrooper. He made 42 jumps, he talked of crossing the Rhine River. He was only grazed once in the leg on the way down from anti aircraft fire and landed on the ground with a boot full of blood. Please e-mail me if you knew him. Thanks

Sign Time: December 25 2003 at 20:08:53

Visitor's Name: carol chalmers riley
Email: rile@access4less.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Bakersfield california
Comments: Hi My name is Carol Chalmers Riley. My dad was in the 82nd airborne 11th armored division. Does anyone know of Luther Arnold Chalmers He was from Yakama Washington. He was a mechanic and a paratrooper. Please e-mail me if you knew him. Thanks

Sign Time: December 25 2003 at 19:52:42

Visitor's Name: James W. Schmid
Email: jschmid03@comcast.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Thornton, Colorado
Comments: Merry Christmas to all who are looking though this website. My father, Walter F. Schmid served in CO B 21RST ARMD INF BN 11TH ARMD DIV as a MORTAR GUNNER 607. He was inducted at Ft. Leavenworth KS on Nov. 4, 1942. He was wounded on Dec. 29, 1944 in Belgium. He arrived in England on Oct. 10, 1944. He was a PFC. I am his youngest son. Dad passed away after a long illness on April 5, 1997. He spoke very little about details of his service. He told us that he went to Camp Hood in Texas and he was also stationed in California, I think Lom Poc. His fondest memory which he spoke about was the smell of Hershy Penn. as he was on his way back home. Dads' feet were frozen and this is where he never really talked about his experiences much. Apparently, he was not in Belgium for more than a couple of days before he was shipped back to England for treatment. If anyone remembers him or if you have any pictures of him during his service, I would love to hear from you.

Sign Time: December 23 2003 at 10:13:52

Visitor's Name: marvin bishop
Email: mabishop@aikenelectric.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from:  
Comments: Hello to all 11th AD vets - Merrry Christmas &Happy New Year! My sons and I will be restoring a WW II vntage jeep, and want to outfit it for the 11th AD, 21st AIB. We want to do it correctly, and would like any jeep photos you may be willing to share. One day soon we would like to haul it to a 11th AD convention. Thanks to any who can help. Thanks to all of you for your sacrifices!

Sign Time: December 17 2003 at 14:51:17

Visitor's Name: Christopher W. Blackwell
Email: christopher.blackwell@furman.edu
Homepage URL: http://classics.furman.edu
You are from: Greenville, SC
Comments: Merry Christmas to you all! I am looking for information about William P. Hackney, a Lieutenant in the 42 Tank Battalion, A Company. He was killed on January 1, 1945. He is my wife's grandfather, and none of her family know anything about service in the war. His service records were lost in the St. Louis fire, so I've been reconstructing what I can from books and this excellent site. Thanks to you all, for everything. All the best, Chris Blackwell

Sign Time: December 15 2003 at 13:56:22

Visitor's Name: Stephen J. Jesselli
Email: jesselli@nytimes.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from:  
Comments: My Father, Frank Jesselli, was in the 11th armored Division. The name of his Sherman tank was "Don't fence me in." Is there anyone who remembers him and can share some stories about him? Please email and thanks for your time

Sign Time: December 14 2003 at 17:51:50

Visitor's Name: Marianne Conolly Davenport
Email: edavenport67@wmconnect.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Iowa City Iowa
Comments: I am looking for any information that anyone would have on my father James Lowell Conolly. This is what I know - he was the first person drafted for WW2 out of the state of Michigan- he was from Paw Paw. His military papers tell me this - he was a Radio Tester- he served from March 21, 1941- Kalamazoo - untill June 30, 1945. He was in the following battles - Naples- Foggia, North Apennies, Po Valley, Rome- Arno. He died when I was 16 and would love to know what he was like as a young man - if anyone has any information or knew him please write me. I appreciate any information.

Sign Time: December 04 2003 at 19:29:09

Visitor's Name: Jon M. Jones "Sam"
Email: sjones@woodsideplantation.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Aiken, SC
Comments: My Uncle,Sgt.Jon M Jones, was with the 41st Tank Battalion, Akron unit. He died in battle on or about Jan 15, 1945. I have been provided some reports of what happened and have a deep desire to know more. To the best of my knowledge, the following soldiers were involved that day: T/5 Herbert H."Doc"Burr; T/5 Ralph Matthews;Sgt.David Kasavan:Lt. Burns and certainly others. If you have any information or were personnally involved, I would be so grateful to hear from you. Thank You and God Bless, Sam Jones

Sign Time: December 03 2003 at 13:56:56

Visitor's Name: Markus Glaser
Email: markusglaser74@yahoo.de
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Schwarzenfeld, Germany
Comments: Hello I'm searching for Soldier of April 22nd 1945. On this day Schwarzenfeld was the daily goal of Combat Command B. Please get in contact to me. Markus Glaser

Sign Time: December 01 2003 at 05:56:51

Visitor's Name: matthew woods
Email: redlight444@yahoo.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: pleasureville ky
Comments: if anyone could,please tell me if you fought with Daniel Chester Woods, Cpl. he was my grandfather, and i would like to know what kind of young man he was???

Sign Time: November 28 2003 at 15:15:07

Visitor's Name: Bill Finical
Email: bill.finical@TTUHSC.edu
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Odessa, Texas
Comments: I am researching the 277th Engineer Bn and its participation with the 11th Armored Division during WWII. Specifically looking for anyone knowing lSG A. W. Radford of Mansfield La. who serviced with the unit.

Sign Time: November 26 2003 at 10:18:38

Visitor's Name: Tricia Goyer
Email: tricia@thegoyers.com
Homepage URL: http://www.thegoyers.com/dustandashes
You are from: Kalispell, MT
Comments: Hi Friends! For my next novel, "Night Song: A Story of Sacrifice," my main character is a medic for the 11th Armored Division in Europe. He'll most likely work in an aid station near the front. And perhaps he'll even be forced to work in the midst of a battle when one of his "aid men" gets injured. (My poor characters, what hard situations they are forced to face!) Anyway, would you please email me if you have any information about medics--whether you worked as one, was treated by one, was friends with one, etc. Also, feel free to forward this to any of your buddies that could offer help! Thanks in advance for any help that you can give! Tricia Goyer tricia@thegoyers.com www.thegoyers.com/dustandashes

Sign Time: November 15 2003 at 10:45:50

Visitor's Name: Patty Anderson
Email: pattyanderson12@cox.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: daughter of half track driver Howard Anderson of Nebraska
Comments: Hello- I've just located your site & wanted to share info re my father, Howard Anderson who was a half tracker with the 11th Armored. My Dad, Howard Anderson of Omaha, Nebraska died 11-30-90 after a long illness & my Mom, Ila died 8-18-03. My Dad had very few photos of his time in the ETO but if you would like me to provide any copies, please let me know & I will scan what I have for you. Thanks and God Bless you all for your service & sacrifice. You truly are this great Nation's "Greatest Generation". Patty Anderson Omaha, Nebraska

Sign Time: November 12 2003 at 21:17:34

Visitor's Name: Robert Stultz
Email: RASBNIC @ AOL.Com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: GA
Comments: Private message. Click here to read it.

Sign Time: November 12 2003 at 18:32:17

Visitor's Name: Simon H
Email: simon@lerenfort.fsnet.co.uk
Homepage URL: http://www.lerenfort.fsnet.co.uk
You are from: UK
Comments: We are presently restoring a Harley Davidson WLA to WW2 USA specification. We would very much like to mark it up as belonging to the 56th Armored Engineer Battalion of the 11th Armored Division. This unit was stationed near my home town in 1943. We hope it will help perpetuate the memory of all those who served in the 11th Armored and came to England before travelling onto the ETO. If you can help with what unit markings a dispatch rider belonging to this unit might have carried on his bike please contact me. Thank You. Simon

Sign Time: November 11 2003 at 00:39:07

Visitor's Name: Troy Hokanson
Email: gospacemonkeygo@hotmail.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Olympia, WA
Comments: My late, great uncle, Roscoe Sapp from Missouri served in HQ Co., 55th AIB, 11th Armored Divsion during World War II. Does anybody remember him and if so, can you tell me any stories. He passed away several years ago, and never talked about the war. I am very curious about what he was like back then. Thank you so much.

Sign Time: November 10 2003 at 10:33:07

Visitor's Name: Reuel F. Kleckner Jr.
Email: reueljr@yahoo.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Philadelphia, PA
Comments: Dad(Reuel Kleckner-deceased)was a member of the 11th Armored at the Bulge from Philly. I believe he was in the 81st Medical. His job was a medic and signal operator. He attained the rank of corporal.He was of small stature and may have been nicknamed "Pops" because he was older than most.He was married before the war, and had his first child (my sister)while overseas. He spoke little to his family about his experiences. Does anyone remember him? I'd be very interested in any recollections. Regards, Reuel Jr.

Sign Time: November 08 2003 at 13:19:31

Visitor's Name: Bill Trumbo
Email: wtrumbo@yahoo.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Midland, Tx
Comments: I was a medical aid man in Hq Co. 63rd AIB. This web site brings back lots of memories. Also sad how much I have forgotten. Does anyone remember me? Two good frieds were Jack R. Purcell and Arthur Wippman. Wonder what became of them?

Sign Time: November 06 2003 at 15:53:01

Visitor's Name: Deborah Bernstein
Email: pr4travel@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from:  
Comments: P.S. -- Dad (the late Aaron Bernstein) was a 1st Lieutenant in the 491st Armored Field Artillery Battalion and author of the battalion's "Battery Adjust."

Sign Time: November 06 2003 at 00:08:48

Visitor's Name: Deborah Bernstein
Email: pr4travel@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Ohio
Comments: I'm very sad to report the death of my father, Aaron Bernstein. The bugler has finally called. As Veteran's Day approaches, I wanted to share a poem he wrote for Battery Adjust back in 1945. I'm sorry the spacing doesn't work in this format, but the words and the sentiment certainly do. Best wishes to all of you -- and a final salute and farewell from my dad..... TAPS No more your comrades’ strident screams Shall mar your peaceful rest; Your battle’s o’er, your strife is done, Sleep deep in Mother’s breast. Farewell! Dear friend, farewell, The fever’s past. Though gone from us, you know perhaps The bugler’s playing Taps. Farewell, dear friend, your time has come, Tomorrow then, my turn perhaps To cause the bugle’s mellow notes Ring though the dusk with measured bars of Taps. How still upon the sunset’s breast The mellow, bell-like notes are pressed. Though cannon roar, still all is quiet, As if ‘twere silent. Holy night. The silver tones of Taps Still linger while the twilight falls The saddest of the bugler’s calls. The notes say, “Go to sleep and rest.” Farewell, dear friend, farewell. Just one more look before I go. Just one more tear to fall, Just one salute to you and then, God bless your soul, Amen. Aaron Bernstein (Written in 1945)

Sign Time: November 05 2003 at 17:57:47

Visitor's Name: Curtis N. Craft
Email: btdiga@meckcom.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Dundas VA origionally from Wise VA
Comments: I am the eldest nephew of William C. Craft, Jr. who was a Lt. in Co. A 63rd AIB. Uncle C was wounded in the first battle that outfit participated in (near Bastogne). I believe he is the unnamed Lt. in Mr. Dunn's story. I have a book written by Howard F. Tucker, Jr. in which my uncle is mentioned. I have posted two photos on the 63rd site. I would appreciate any details concerning my uncle, that anyone can furnish. Also have some V-Mail's to Mama and Papa (his parents) in which he remembers me. A set of domino's from Salzburg was his gift to me on his return home and I still have them. Seldom used as they mean so much to me.

Sign Time: November 05 2003 at 16:00:11

Visitor's Name: Ragnar Liljequist
Email: ragtime@sounddsl.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Bainbridge Island WA
Comments: Trying to determine Adrian "Buzz" Liljequist's unit, command or battalion in the 11th Armored Division; however, I would like to hear from anyone who knew him; he was a favorite cousin. Kudos to all the people who put this website together; I've thoroughly enjoyed perusing it. Many thanks

Sign Time: November 05 2003 at 11:51:09

Visitor's Name: Carol Grieb
Email: locs@aunflower.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from:  
Comments: Can anyone tell me anything about these former soldiers of the 11th Armored: Gerald Reith; Gerald Skipton; John Ward? I am trying to locate them or their families. Carol

Sign Time: November 03 2003 at 19:56:35

Visitor's Name: Tricia Goyer
Email: tricia@thegoyers.com
Homepage URL: http://www.thegoyers.com/dustandashes
You are from: Kalispell, MT
Comments: Hi guys, Currently I'm researching the "dark magic" behind the Nazi movement. It's part of the story line of my next novel, and it's not fun stuff. My question for you: Have you heard of anything concerning Nazi "black magic"? Did this subject ever come up during your time in the war? One quote reads: "Economics will not tell us why men should manufacture soap from human fat, as the Nazis did. Social custom, in the form of background anti-Semitism, is a feeble explanation for the deaths of six million Jews." (The Occult-Reich, J.H. Brennan) I thought he made a good point, and I was curious about your thoughts. Tricia Goyer www.thegoyers.com/dustandashes

Sign Time: November 03 2003 at 08:02:54

Visitor's Name: onyegbu
Email: mumu@maga.com
Homepage URL: www.mumu.maga.com
You are from: lome togo
Comments: i love this is good thanks

Sign Time: October 28 2003 at 03:25:15

Visitor's Name: Andrew Warcken
Email: awarcken@yahoo.com
Homepage URL:  
You are from: Brooklyn Park, MN
Comments: Hi, I am a great nephew of the Warcken twins that died serving in WWII. I was doing a yahoo search on my last name and came across this site. I would like to say thank you very much to whom ever has put this information on the internet. I only knew that the 2 of them died in WWII, but didn't know too much about them and what they did. So many men and women have served and I am so very thankful to them and to all of you associated with my uncles. The twins still have 2 living siblings living in ND. Rose is the eldest of the family and Albert, I believe was the youngest. They live together on a small farm in rural ND. I am going to get this to them if they don't have something like it all ready. Once again thank you and I have enjoyed reading from this site. Andrew Warcken

Sign Time: October 20 2003 at 13:54:56

Visitor's Name: Robert A. Clemens
Email: savehistry@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Massachusetts
Comments: I am looking for information pertaining to Company B of the 81st medics. They were part of Combat Command B who hit the enemy lines near Jodenville and Chenogne, Belgium on December 30th and 31st, 1944. If there is anyone who can tell me about their combat experience during those opening days of battle, I would greatly appreciate it. Medics from Company B took care of my grandfather after he was wounded at Chenogne on December 31st, 1944.

Sign Time: October 19 2003 at 18:40:06

Visitor's Name: Aaron Jackson
Email: bad71c10@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Augusta,Kansas
Comments: I was trying to find anyone who new my grandpa. His name was Ernest O. Jackson and he was in the 21st. Inf. Bn.

Sign Time: October 17 2003 at 21:12:56

Visitor's Name: Lonnie Ramsey
Email: loontoon4@yahoo.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Oklahoma
Comments: I would like to know if anyone knows my great-uncle Otha Ramsey. He was in the 21AIB Co. A. He died on New Year's Day 1945. Thank you! Lonnie Ramsey

Sign Time: October 16 2003 at 22:31:25

Visitor's Name: Kenneth Reuss
Email: kenneth78@springmail.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Spring Park, Minnesota
Comments: This is in reference to a message placed by Editor Dan O'Brien seversl days ago. I tried to Email you using the Email add. you listed but my computer won't accept it. Is it correct?

Sign Time: October 16 2003 at 12:15:12

Visitor's Name: Web Site Editor, Dan O'Brien
Email: EditorDan11ADA@charter.net
Homepage URL: http://www.11tharmoreddivision.com
You are from: Wenatchee, Washington
Comments: My apologies to all who have been unable to contact me by email within the past 1½ months. I have been off line due to virus and worm problems, which have now been corrected. It was necessary to change my web site email address to the one posted in this message. Anyone who was unable to contact the Web Site Editor, or who did not get a reply to their email message, is encouraged to send their message again. I am truly sorry for any inconvenience this has caused.

Sign Time: October 13 2003 at 21:16:11

Visitor's Name: Richard Oliver
Email: KTO@cambridgeoh.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Byesville, Ohio 43723
Comments: I would like to hear from any 11th armored division. WWII Battle of the Bulge. Richard Oliver 223 Meek Ave. Byesville, Oh

Sign Time: October 09 2003 at 16:43:37

Visitor's Name: Ed McKnight
Email: ussranger@velocitus.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Boise, ID
Comments: My Uncle Franklin McKnight (deceased), who was from Memphis, Mo., was a member of the 11th Armored Division. I don't have any more information on him (lost contact with his kids), but would like to know what Unit he was in. I have several picture of him that show the 11th inignia. His rank in the picture shows two inverted chevrons over a "T". I do know he was a tank driver. I also have a picture of him in Camp Polk, La., that was taken in February of 1943. Can anyone help me with this or additional information? I'm working on a family history and would like to comment on his service to his country in more detail. I've read several historical accounts of the 11th in general, but would like to read about his Unit in particular.

Sign Time: October 08 2003 at 17:27:26

Visitor's Name: Alex Heidinga
Email: realheidi@hotmail.com
Homepage URL:  
You are from: Holland
Comments: We just bought a house in Buret (near Bastogne and houffalize Belgium) and I would like to know if there are some pictures from Buret during the Battle. Can somebody help me with that

Sign Time: October 07 2003 at 07:57:20

Visitor's Name: George Falvella
Email: Jupiterretipuj@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Massachusetts
Comments: My dad served with the 41st Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron; I believe he was a Major while the outfit was in Europe. He spoke little about his experience, but left a wealth of letters home, snapshpots and some Thunderbolt maps and books. Any body know him? I'd be interested in your recollections. George Jr

Sign Time: October 06 2003 at 12:27:20

Visitor's Name: Bill Trumbo
Email: wtrumbo@yahoo.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Midland,Tx
Comments: Mark green, send me an E mail. Have pictures and info

Sign Time: October 03 2003 at 08:46:54

Visitor's Name: Bill Trumbo
Email: wtrumbo@yahoo.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Midland, Tx
Comments: I was in the same unit as Mark Green, and have some pictures and information about Wippman. Tried to reach Green, but his E Mail address would not work,something wrong with it. Get touch with me.

Sign Time: October 03 2003 at 08:44:38

Visitor's Name: Richard Oliver
Email: kto@cambridgeoh.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Byesville, Ohio
Comments: Would like to hear from fellow veterans out of the 11th Armored division. Please sendletters to Richard Oliver 233 Meek Ave. Byesville,Ohio 437

Sign Time: October 02 2003 at 16:26:23

Visitor's Name: MARK GREENE
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: NY

Sign Time: September 24 2003 at 13:16:16

Visitor's Name: Robert Clemens
Homepage URL: http://
You are from:  
Comments: Dear Friends, One of the highlights of my life was having the opportunity to attend the 61st Annual Reunion of the 11th Armored Division in Buffalo. What made it more special was being there with my grandfather to share in his history. Grandpop served in B Company of the 21st AIB. His experience in the war brought with it good and bad times. The good memories are those of the special bonds he developed with his fellow comrades. They trained, ate, slept, played, and fought together. They were like family and to this day, grandpop thinks about them- especially his comrades who were killed so far away on the far away battlefields of Belgium. I enjoyed the bond my grandfather and I shared that week and will cherish it for the rest of my life.

In memory of that special event in Buffalo, I want to share a photo I took during the Sing-Along. Included are the men of Company B, of the 21st AIB. May the memory of their sacrifices and contributions live on forever. From left to right: my grandmother (sitting), Gloria Hocker; Ralph Storm, Frank Hartzell, Roger Marquet (Belgian visitor who is well known throughout the ranks of the 11th for shepherding returning veterans around the battlefields they fought on nearly 60 years ago. Roger is an honorary member of the association for what he has done for the 11th Armored veterans over the years. His work is attributed to his sincere appreciation for the soldiers who liberated his country from the Nazis. He has also adopted a few graves of American soldiers buried in Henri Chapel American Cemetary in Belgium), John Fague; my grandfather, Charles Hocker; and the Captain of B Company, Elmore Fabrick. To all a special thanks for what you did. You will always be remembered. All the Best Robert A. Clemens

Sign Time: September 12 2003 at 15:41:47

Visitor's Name: john bestwick
Email: jsbpab@hotmail.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: moorpark,california

Sign Time: September 10 2003 at 11:05:44

Visitor's Name: Jan Beattie (Janifred Sue Jones)
Email: jbeattie@mail.coloacad.org
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Denver, Colorado
Comments: I am the daughter of Lt. W. Fred Jones, 21st AIB, who was killed January 1, 1945 in Chenogne, Belgium. (I was born at Camp Cooke, CA in April, 1944, before he shipped out for Europe.) I would be interested to hear any stories about my dad from those of his fellow comrades in arms who would be kind enough to share their memories. Thank you.

Sign Time: September 07 2003 at 14:15:08

Visitor's Name: Tricia Goyer
Email: fromdustandashes@hotmail.com
Homepage URL: http://www.thegoyers.com/dustandashes
You are from: Kalispell, MT
Comments: Hi! I've started a Yahoo email group for the 11th Armored Division. This group is for friends and family members of 11th Armored Division Veterans. The purpose is to share stories and to keep each other updated on what's happening with 11th Armored Division veterans. To join the email group, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/11thArmoredDivision If you have any questions, you can email me at: fromdustandashes@hotmail.com

Sign Time: September 05 2003 at 18:01:52

Visitor's Name: Connell McNally
Email: fander01@pipeline.uafortsmith.edu
Homepage URL: http://
You are from:  
Comments: I'm not sure if any of you can help me, but if you can I'd be greatful. My dad restores antique military vehicles as a hobby. His current project is a '42 WC 55 Gun Motor Carriage. He's gotten quite far but he's stuck due to lack of info. He need schematics or dimensions or pictures of the ration box, ammo boxes, & bucket mount. If anyone has any of this or knows anyone who does, please contact me at the above address.

Sign Time: September 05 2003 at 08:51:42

Visitor's Name: Roger Marquet
Email: rogermarquet@wanadoo.be
Homepage URL: http://www.users.skynet.be/bugecriba
You are from: Sibret, Belgium
Comments: Oliver Simmers Co"A" / 21st A.I.B was KIA in Monty on Jan.2,1945. He was transfeered from 8th Armored when still in Camp Polk. Does someone remember him ?

Sign Time: September 04 2003 at 16:10:17

Visitor's Name: Lucille Avery
Email: lucilea23@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://www.kc-mall.net
You are from: New York NY USA
Comments: Fantastic site :)

Sign Time: August 27 2003 at 00:07:32

Visitor's Name: Bryce A. Crosby
Email: bcrosby@nd.ngb.army.mil
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Devils Lake, North Dakota
Comments: Greetings! My father, Duane F. Crosby, was in B Company of the 491st AFA. I am looking for pictures of the artwork that done on the side of the M7 Priest that he was assigned to. I believe it was labeled "Burlesque Betty". Please email me if you can assist.

Sign Time: August 15 2003 at 11:54:41

Visitor's Name: Bob Rice
Email: ricerc@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Richmond, VA
Comments: BARNEY WEBBER: Does anyone know a Barney Webber, who was with the 11th Armored Division in 1944-45? Please email me if you do. (ricerc@aol.com)

Sign Time: August 10 2003 at 12:40:40

Visitor's Name: Vickie Abraham Haney
Email: yenahed@atrweb.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Michigan
Comments: What a wonderful site! I found it when I received a postcard from my Aunt and Uncle that was addressed to my Dad. My Dad was Cpl. Robert E. Abraham (possibly known as Abe). He passed in 1987 and didn't share alot about his war experiences. He was wounded twice and awarded the Purple Heart. He was shot by a sniper on April 6, 1945. I would like to know where the 11th was at the time. He was a gunner in the 42d Tank Bn. One of his biggest regrets was that he was in the hospital and never really got to "see" Paris! I have his pictures of the entire Company. Would anyone be interested? Please let me know if you remember him or have any pictures.

Sign Time: August 06 2003 at 20:38:03

Visitor's Name: Ellyn Fox
Email: Paradoxicallyfox@yahoo.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from:  
Comments: I learned only today that my father was with the 11th during the liberation of Mauthausen. My father was an army medic usually involved in the midst of battles. He often pulled others from where they fell, and eventually transported them to hospitals. If anyone knows anything of my father, please let me know. His name is Manuel D. Raposa and he was either living in Fall River, MA or Providence, RI prior to the war. Unfortunately I know little of my father. Any information would be precious to me. God Bless you all. You are all heroes.

Sign Time: August 04 2003 at 14:24:39

Visitor's Name: Dennis A. Olson
Email: olsonls48@yahoo.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Kane, Pa
Comments: My father was Homer (Gus) Olson. He served in Company B, 11th Armored Division. I never knew that he wrote an article entitled "My Life in the Army with Company B 55th Armored Infantry Battalion" until I just visited your website. I remember he went to many of the reunions (Company B). He use to tell me how close he was to his buddies and how much they meant to him. Sadly he passed away several years ago of lung cancer. I have many questions I wish I could ask him. I was in the Air Force on active duty during the Vietnam War and then in the Army Reserve. I can understand why he felt so deeply for his buddies. If anyone has any information/stories concerning my father, please contact me - you can use my E-mail. Thank you very much.

Sign Time: July 29 2003 at 16:00:55

Visitor's Name: R.W.J. Werkheiser
Email: alabamaw@frontiernet.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Little River,Ala.
Comments: I am interesed in anyone who knew my uncle Herbert O. Werkheiser, who was wiyh the 705 Tank destroyers,he was killed march 31 after Rhine crossing.

Sign Time: July 21 2003 at 09:45:48

Visitor's Name: Robert F. Hudson
Email: seadog475@cox.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Norfolk, VA
Comments: I am the son in law of William Linwood Cavender, technician Fifth Grade, who is now deceased. I think he served from Feb 2 1944 to March 10 1946 with the 11th Armored. Do you have a locator for this site?

Sign Time: July 18 2003 at 13:12:24

Visitor's Name: marvin bishop
Email: mabishop@aikenelectric.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: SC
Comments: Does anyone out there have copies of the "after action reports" for CO. A of the 21st AIB? My dad, Pfc James M. Bishop was KIA 4-24-45 near Tittling, Germany, was prob. shot by sniper fire from a house and was then run over by one of the US tanks. Tragic, but it did happen sometimes. I have located the house and the current resident was a girl of 14 at the time. She remembers the temp burial in the front yard of the house, but was not ther at the time of the battle. Any Co A vets out there? Thanks for any replies. Thanks to all vets esp those of the 11th AD. God bless you all.

Sign Time: July 17 2003 at 16:30:35

Visitor's Name: Marion Abramovitz Shapiro
Email: mas10n@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: New York
Comments: My dad, David Abramovitz, was in the 11th 22 tank battalion and served as a gunner. He was in the Battle of the Bulge. He is presently 81 years old and is suffering from Alzheimer's and is very near to the end of his life. During most of his illness he has been reliving his war experience of which my brother and I know very little. I would love to hear from anyone who may have known him. I know that my mother has a box of photos that were taken at boot camp and over in Europe. When I have time I will try to look through the pictures. Perhaps I have pictures of your family member since the only person I can identify is my father and don't know the names of the others in the photos.

Sign Time: July 10 2003 at 17:10:23

Visitor's Name: Hana Berger Moran
Email: HBMoran@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from:  
Comments: Subj: A request Date: 6/23/2003 11:39:03 AM Pacific Daylight Time Hello: Following the reading the History website of the 11th Armored Division and the upcoming convention I have decided to contact your organization with this message. The reason for my interest is that your division, namely its 41st Cavalry Squadron, Troop D, had on May 5, 1945, liberated my mother and myself, then prisoners in concentration camp Mauthausen, Austria. I was born in a slave labor concentration camp Freiberg in Germany, one of the satellite camps of Flossenburg. The next day after I was born the prisoners, all women, were loaded into the train cattle cars and started a 17 day death "march" to find an available killing place. On the East were the Russians and the US was advancing from the West. Finally the transport arrived in Mauthausen on April 29, 1945. The gassing stopped that morning. Out of the more than 2000 women only 120 survived and my mother and myself were among them. When the liberation of the Mauthausen happened I was a barely three week old baby, As my dear mother loved to say it to me the tanks had white stars on them and she was absolutely amazed how young all the soldiers were. She remembered the song "roll out the barrels..." being played. Due to the malnutrition my body was covered with huge faruncles filled with infection which had to be removed surgically. The surgeons who operated on me did not believe I shall survive if I will not get the proper treatment and begged my mother to return with them to the US. (Yes I do have the scars). She refused to follow their advice reasoning that she must return home, to Bratislava, Czechoslovakia, to wait for her husband, my father. My mother and father were taken to Auschwitz in September 1944. My mother was two months pregnant with me. My father had never returned. I am living in the US now. Needless to say I have been looking and trying to get into contact with the liberators, but must have not chosen the right venue. My request may be totally unreasonable, but perhaps you can help me. I would like very much to find out the names of the surgeons or a surgeon and how to contact any person helping the prisoners following the liberation of Mauthausen. I would like to express my deep gratitude to all liberators of the concentration camp Mauthausen. Thank you in advance for your kind assistance in this matter. Sincerely, Hana Berger Moran, Ph.D.

Sign Time: July 02 2003 at 11:28:45

Visitor's Name: David Beatty
Email: busdriver36624@yahoo.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Titusville, Pa
Comments: My Grandfather Thomas Barnes served with the 11th Armored Comp. B 22nd Tank Battalion. He passed away in Dec. 2002. I would enjoy hearing from anyone who served with him and would like to obtain a Division patch if it is possible.

Sign Time: June 29 2003 at 17:34:53

Visitor's Name: Larry David Lawrence
Email: ldlawre@swbell.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Houston, Texas
Comments: I'm sad to inform those who served in the 11th Armored Division that my father, Elijah David Lawrence, passed away on June 9th. He was a mess sergeant in B Co., 21 AIB, and served from 1942 to 1946. He originally came from Otway, North Carolina. While in training at Camp Barkley (Abilene, Texas), he met Gladys Buske. Immediately after the war, he moved to Abilene, married Gladys, and became a brick mason. He lived in Abilene the remainder of his life, had two sons, and was an active member of Highland Church of Christ. Gladys died in 1976, and he missed her greatly. He remained a brick mason until he retired, and worked on many of the buildings in the central part of Texas. He loved going back home to coastal North Carolina, and we buried him there in the family cemetery, within sight of the house where he was born and the creek where he fished and boated. He was well-loved both in Abilene and North Carolina. He was always proud of his service in the 11th Armored. He often showed us photographs from those days, and told us what he (and you) experienced. He had a great time at the meeting in Omaha several years ago. When he visited us in Houston, he always enjoyed looking at the 11th Armored Association website on our computer. I want to thank you for the friendship you showed my father during the war and after. I also want to thank you for your service to our nation and let you know that your courage and sacrifice will not be forgotten. God bless you.

Sign Time: June 26 2003 at 17:36:41

Visitor's Name: Peter King son of Kenneth King
Email: i777avatari@wmconnect.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. 73101
Comments: Hi members of the the 11th Armored and especially anyone in company C still alive of the 21st infantry batallion. I no longer receive the messages from the Southwest Chapter as it has gone in recievership. Anyone whom was a member please be advised that I am alive and well and hope to attend the upcoming Buffallo NY National Meeting. Please be further advised that our friend Dub Alexander Signal Corps is still at the Baptist Nursing Center. Me and my dad visited with Dub not too long ago and I talked to one of his friends on the phone. Anyone who wants to call and leave a message please do on 800-373-2801 and tell me your name and email addy if I can be of service to anyone regarding my dad Kenneth King 1st Lt. Comp C, 21st AIB. One of the KIAs during the Kyll approach I have letters from his mother to my dad and my mom, they corresponded for some years after the war. I know she was living in St Petersburgh Florida. There is a picture also of his wife who remarried and has her holding the child up in the air am assuming it would have been his child the KIA..his name slips my memory but he was killed at the Kyle approach. Hope to hear from anyone who has questions or inforamtion about company c as I would like to learn more than what I have read. Respectfully, Peter King Son of Kenneth King Sr.

Sign Time: June 26 2003 at 15:03:24

Visitor's Name: Mike Banka
Email: m_banka@hotmail.com
Homepage URL:  
You are from: South Pasadena, CA
Comments: My uncle, Sgt Andrew T. Banka (55AIB) was KIA on March 6, 1945. Would appreciate hearing from anyone who knew him during his time of service with the 11th. Thanks to all who served so valiantly. You are TRUE American Heros all, Mike

Sign Time: June 17 2003 at 16:12:05

Visitor's Name: PAUL HAFER
Email: harpster411@mchsi.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: streator il

Sign Time: June 16 2003 at 07:44:49

Visitor's Name: Joseph E. Skocaj
Email: skocaj@stratos.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Cleveland, Ohio
Comments: To all members of the 11th Armored: I sadly report to you the passing of my father, Joseph V. Skocaj, on May 12, 2003. He was a proud member of the Division,and a devoted husband, father and grandfather. He rarely shared his thoughts and memories of his wartime experiences until his later years. Wars are so different now. His oral history will be with us always. God Bless the 11th Armored Division and all those who now serve our country with pride and honor

Sign Time: June 10 2003 at 16:56:31

Visitor's Name: Kenneth Reuss
Email: kenneth78@springmail.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Mpls., Minn.
Comments: To the members of A Company 55th AIB. Just read in the Minnesota Legionaire of the passing on April 22nd. of Leander W. Hens. His home address is: 1963 County Road 61 NW. Alexandria, MN. 56308 Expressions of sympathy would be welcome

Sign Time: June 05 2003 at 14:09:50

Visitor's Name: Kirk Clark
Email: hollowpoint_44@hotmail.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Iowa
Comments: Looking for anyone that would know/remember Marvin(bill)Clark.Had halftrack named blondie.

Sign Time: June 04 2003 at 18:38:10

Visitor's Name: D Zanardelli
Email: the11thada@yahoo.com
Homepage URL: http://www.11tharmoreddivision.com
You are from: Webmaster

Teb Hartman has written a book about his experiences as a tank driver in the 41st Tank Battalion of the 11th Armored Division.

Tank Driver:
With the 11th Armored from the Battle of the Bulge to VE Day

The Web site for the book is www.tankdriverbook.com

Sign Time: May 23 2003 at 06:21:21

Visitor's Name: Scott Lanning
Email: skitter@sympatico.ca
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Ontario, Canada
Comments: It is with great sorrow that I inform you of the passing of my Great Uncle Burt. Burton B. West passed away March 01, 2003 in Michigan following a very brief illness. He leaves behind his beloved wife Anna Wilma (Billie) West. He was loved by many neices and nephews. I have been given the American flag from his funeral service, his medals and war memorbilia. Uncle Burt shared many war stories with my brother and with me. Anyone who remembers my Great Uncle or would like to contact my Aunt may do so through my e-mail address. Sincerely, Scott

Sign Time: May 19 2003 at 16:24:44

Visitor's Name: Tara Igo
Email: taraigo@yahoo.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: South Pasadena, CA
Comments: My grandfather, Earl W Petersen, passed away on April 24th, 2003. He is very much missed. I wanted to post something on this website, as he was a WWII veteran who served in the 11th Armored Division, 21st Armored Infantry Battalion as a technical sergeant. He served in the Battle of the Bulge. My grandfather was a wonderful and very intelligent man and anyone who met him I'm sure felt the same way. For anyone who knew him, I'd be interested to hear any stories or memories about him from WWII or later. He is survived by my grandmother, Emma Petersen - their 3 children and their spouses, along with 2 granddaughters, 6 grandsons and a step-grandson. He was given a military memorial service at Tahoma National Cemetery in Kent, WA - which was beautiful and I'd like to thank Veteran Affairs, as well as the veterans and army staff who helped us honor him. Thank you.

Sign Time: May 16 2003 at 17:19:10

Visitor's Name: Maurice Negrini
Email: wwpepe@msn.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: foxboro ma.
Comments: I was a member of the 102nd inf div from nov 1942 until feb 1946. a mother of a member of my grandson's baseball team has aked me to look up her father's outfit. since i have done this before i found that he was with Co B 63rd bat of the 11th.his name was Hyman Segal If anyone knew Hyman or knows someone from the B Co 63rd would you E-Mail her at esg43@aol.com Her married name is Gaetani and her first name is elaine. Her husband's father went to school with me. I am printing everything about the 11th for her, Incidently my outfit was very near yours at the battle of the buldge we were in the 9th Army Thank you for anything you can find. Also he has passed away I don't know when but she could provide that . I know we keep our deceased up to date so maybe you do also. Maurice Negrini Foxboro Ma.

Sign Time: May 14 2003 at 21:04:56

Visitor's Name: marvin Bishop
Email: mbishop@aikenelectric.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: SC
Comments: Thanks to all of you who remembered all the troops in Iraq, etc. esp my son James Andrew, a member of the SC AIr Nat Guard, who was in Qatar. Andrew is the grandson of Pfc James M. Bishop, 21 AIB, 11th AD, who DOW near Tittling, Germany, APR 24, 1945. GOD BLESS AMERICA!

Sign Time: May 14 2003 at 15:47:55

Visitor's Name: Brian Alfano
Email: balfano@smv.org
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Richmond, Virginia
Comments: I have a question for you tankers. I was wondering if any of you were involved in changing the main gun on a Sherman from a 75mm to a 76mm in the field? I am in an Armor Modeling and Preservation Society and the question has been debated. I thought I should ask the guys that were there! Please let me know if you are aware of this happening or better yet if you were involved. Thanks, Brian

Sign Time: May 05 2003 at 05:11:06

Visitor's Name: Therese DonGiovanni O'Neil
Email: tess@kiski.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: North Apollo, Pennsylvania
Comments: My father was a member of the 11th Armored Division in WWII. My son is in the 9th grade and wants to do a report on the 11th Armored and their role in WWII. I don't know, however, where my father 'was' in this division. His name was Vito DonGiovanni. He died in 1975 and didn't talk about the war much. Just that he drove lots of different trucks, he always liked the k-ration trucks but not the ammunition loads they carried. He said they named their trucks after ladies with the first name 'T'. I think that is how I got my name, he was devoted to St. Therese of the Little Flower. Anyway, if any one can tell me how I can find out more specifically what he actually 'did' for the 11th Armored, I'd appreciate it. I know he did say he was in the Battle of the Bulge, Normandy, and served in Gen. Patton's third Army. A Proud Daughter of an 11th Armored Division Vet.

Sign Time: May 04 2003 at 12:47:18

Visitor's Name: Robert Fellner
Email: refdfwinranty@aol.com
Homepage URL:  
You are from: Auburn, Maine
Comments: I have long studied the Eleventh Armored Division. Currently I am writing a book which includes the Eleventh Armored and some of its subordinate units. If you would be so kind as to supply any information it would be greatly appreciated. Even the "most unimportant" items can be of great help. It is the real war I am trying to portray. Having retired from the Army in 1992 due to injuries received in the line of duty I realize many civilians do not have a factual picture of combat or non-combat times of war. Please email and I will supply a mailing address. I have meet and spoken with a few members of the 11th Armored. I have never been disappointed. Thank you in advance. Any information and assistance is greatly appriciated.

Sign Time: May 03 2003 at 14:05:58

Visitor's Name: Chris Norris
Email: cmnorris@eaglecom.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Hays, KS
Comments: Hi, My mother's adopted older brother (my uncle) was a member of the 11th Armored Div. (DIVARTY). He was a radio repairmen and was killed on Feb. 5, 1945 (i think). His name in Dean C. Waymire. Our family has never really known how he died or any information on his military service. If anyone happened to know Dean, please contact me at: cmnorris@eaglecom.net. Thank You

Sign Time: May 01 2003 at 10:39:28

Visitor's Name: Brooke Rowe
Email: thefirst@cavalry.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from:  
Comments: Free Veterans Directory For information on obtaining a FREE copy of the War Veterans Directory see URL: http://members.aol.com/veterans/freedir.htm To Register your name for future listings: http://members.aol.com/veterans/registry.htm Brooke Rowe Associate Librarian http://www.amervets.com

Sign Time: April 30 2003 at 20:24:15

Visitor's Name: Brian Rosati
Email: brosati@erols.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Ashburn, VA
Comments: I posted a message about two weeks ago. I had some responses. Then my PC crashed and I lost everything in my email, including the responses. One gentlemen who pronounced his name (ROYCE) but spelled it differently new my father and had a picture to send me. Sir, if you read this please email me again. I can't email you because I lost your address. Thanks!

Sign Time: April 28 2003 at 19:02:13

Visitor's Name: Jim Power
Email: jpower2@midsouth.rr.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Co "C" 55th AIB
Comments: Is the booklet,"The Story of the 11th Armored Division" still in print? I can't get the entire spread on my computer and would like to get a copy if possible.

Sign Time: April 24 2003 at 09:11:48

Visitor's Name: tammy klett
Email: autumangle45@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: lima ohio
Comments: hi i would like to know if any one know my father he was in the army pfc john o barker he was in the 492 armored fa bn as a medicaif any one know he please contact me thank u would like to hear from any one thanks tammy

Sign Time: April 20 2003 at 10:59:47

Visitor's Name: Brian Rosati
Email: brosati@erols.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Ashburn, VA
Comments: My father, Thomas "Rosy" Rosati from NYC was a "Cannoneer" with the 11th AD. I have his insignia and beenie. He didn't talk much about the war. Now that I'm 50 and out of 2nd grade I know he wasn't a "5 Star General". How can I find out exactly what battalion or company he served with? Also, if anyone knew him please contact me. I just recently started researching and reading in detail what you guys did in Europe. Amazing! Thank you!

Sign Time: April 11 2003 at 21:07:59

Visitor's Name: Allen Cohen
Email: alcoga@bellsouth.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Atlanta, GA
Comments: I just read David Kasavan's account of the history and combat of Company C 41st Tank Bn. Wow...he even recorded the combat actions of my Dad to include the day he was wounded. I want to express my sincere appreciation for men like Johnny Latini, David Kasavan, Sid Meyer, the CO Captian Suharda (died in action)and the rest of the men in this brave Company who fought the Hun and whipped him. This book provided me with the missing data that Dad never talked about. Allen Cohen LT. USMC (1st Tank Bn, Viet Nam)

Sign Time: April 10 2003 at 07:16:05

Visitor's Name: John D. Weeks
Email: jweeks1@stny.rr.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Binghamton, New York
Comments: This message is for Rick Zamparelli. Rick, I have the morning reports for Co. B, 42nd Tank Battalion, 11th AD. for the spring of 1945. Your father is listed in these reports. Contact me and I'll gladly send you copies.

Sign Time: April 10 2003 at 06:14:52

Visitor's Name: Judy Douglass
Email: herkamur@msn.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Missouri
Comments: My dad was M/Sgt. Harold M Douglass, in the 11th Armored Division, 22nd Tank Battalion. If you knew my dad, I would like to hear from you. I am intereseted in tracing his army service. My dad was 6'7" and I find it hard to see him in any tank. After a back injury, he mustered out in August 1945. Thank you, Judy

Sign Time: April 08 2003 at 15:48:10

Visitor's Name: Lynette Golestaneh
Email: lrg_4618@velocity.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Erie, Pennsylvania
Comments: My dad served in W.W.II. He was in the Eleventh Armored Division Thunderbolts. He passed away on March 5th, 2003.

Sign Time: April 06 2003 at 19:27:12

Visitor's Name: Gerry Cockrell
Email: fatboy01@swbell.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Abilene, Texas
Comments: My father, George B. Hughston (Captain) served with the 55th AIB, 11th AD. According to an old newspaper photo and caption, he was awarded the Silver Star, the Bronze Star w/ one oak leaf cluster, and the Purple Heart. He was from Brownsville, Texas. My mother and father were divorced when I was very young and I unfortunately had no further contact with him. He died in 1963. I really want to find out more about him and would appreciate communicating with anyone who knew him or could provide me with information about him.

Sign Time: April 01 2003 at 14:27:18

Visitor's Name: Jerry Neve
Email: jneve@cox.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: San Clemente, California
Comments: I am a VietNam Vetran from the 101st, My best friend is from the 11th (Javi Mendoza) he also served in VietNam in 1968-69. I am in need of a 11th Armored "Patch" to complete a momento to Javi. Can you help me find or can I purchase a patch from your group. Thank You, Jerry Neve

Sign Time: March 31 2003 at 19:06:43

Email: gilwag@att.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: HQ 42nd Tank Bn
Comments: A new chapter of the 11th AD Assoc. is being organized in the Maryland, DC and down to Norfolk, Virginia. It will be called THE CHESAPEAKE BAY Chapter. We invite all veterans, family members, descendants, and friends in or near this area. Please contact me, GILBERT WAGANHEIM, 301-593-3328, 1126 Caddington Avenue, Silver Spring, MD 20901-1113 or email me at-gilwag@att.net

Sign Time: March 29 2003 at 18:46:36

Visitor's Name: John E Kane
Email: mark_of_kane2002@yahoo.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Philadelphia, Pa
Comments: My uncle, T/Sgt5 Edward J. Subb, served with C battery, 491 Field Artillery Bn of the 11th Armored Division from England to Gmunden in Austria. He passed away recently, and left some papers and memorabilia. I am looking for someone who knew him if possible.

Sign Time: March 27 2003 at 08:31:25

Visitor's Name: Jan Coleman
Email: jancoleman@foothill.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: California
Comments: I'm writing a novel set in World War II on the homefront. I'm looking for stories/memories relating to the USO clubs and the part they played in a veteran's life before shipping out. Please let me know if you have some comments you're willing to share. (My father met my mother at a USO club in Massachusetts on his way to D-day) God Bless America!

Sign Time: March 26 2003 at 08:25:09

Visitor's Name: Kyle
Email: kjjanison@hotmail.com
Homepage URL:
You are from: Iowa City, Iowa
Comments: For an article recounting a few World War II veterans' tales, see newspaper columnist Rob Bignell's "We can change our world - just ask Iowa's veterans" at http://www.press-citizen.com/opinion/pceditorials/032303cornfieldsoul.htm .

Sign Time: March 23 2003 at 14:57:16

Visitor's Name: Allen Cohen
Email: alcoga@bellsouth.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Atlanta, GA
Comments: My Dad was S/Sgt Raymond Cohen who fought with the 11th Armored Division during WWII at the Bulge and beyond. He passed away in 1990 but left with me a legacy of commitment to the defense of our country and love for life. I served as an armored officer with the 1st Tank Bn, 1st Marine Division in Viet Nam. My Dad was a very special guy. I miss him dearly. If anyone who reads this knew him during the war years, I would love to hear from you.

Sign Time: March 10 2003 at 20:27:34

Visitor's Name: Robert Schmelzer
Email: rschmel434@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Oregon
Comments: Am looking for someone who may remember my father "Walt" Schmelzer, 55th AIB, Company B. He served from November 1944 until mustered out in 1946. Passed away 11/68

Sign Time: March 09 2003 at 09:17:46

Visitor's Name: Mike McGee
Email: mike@mcgeezone.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Minneapolis
Comments: Looking for anyone who may have served in the 11th with my father, John "Mike" McGee from New Hampton, Iowa. He was in Co C 133rd Ord.

Sign Time: March 08 2003 at 13:35:46

Visitor's Name: Keith Schmidt
Email: rkschmidt@arkansas.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from:  
Comments: I just found your website today. MY Dad ssgt. George C. Schmidt Jr. was a member of Co. C, 55th AIB. I would like to know of anyone who served with him. His brother pfc John Jacob Schmidt was kia in an engagement somewhere north of the 11th., during the Battle Of The Bulge. He is burried in Luxembourg. My Dad was unable to visit his grave after the war. He is 81 years young, and my Sister and I are taking him to Luxembourg and Germany this March. If anyone can give me some ideas of other places and/or things that he might like to see while there please get in contact with me. Thanks, Keith Schmidt

Sign Time: March 02 2003 at 14:13:02

Visitor's Name: William Moder
Email: mmoder@prodigy.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: New Holland, Ohio 43145
Comments: My father Walter G. W. Moder from Columbus, Ohio was in Company C 63rd AIB. He was killed in the morning of February 18, 1945. Believe he was acting as a medic at that time. Did you know him?

Sign Time: March 02 2003 at 12:57:06

Visitor's Name: Ginger (Basso) Carney
Email: ginisue@attbi.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Oregon
Comments: Bill Basso (my father) was in the 55th AIB and I think A company 4th Platoon. Any one who knew him please e-mail me, write me at PO Box 218 Gaston, OR 97119 or call me at 503-985-1915

Sign Time: March 02 2003 at 10:36:35

Visitor's Name: Laurie Meggesin
Email: lmeggesi@baronbudd.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Dallas, Texas
Comments: I would love to speak with anyone who served with or knew my father, Capt. John Meggesin, who was commander of Company "B" of the 42nd Tank Battalion of the 11th A.D.

Sign Time: March 01 2003 at 17:09:57

Visitor's Name: Ginger (Basso) Carney
Email: dennis.carney@attbi.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Oregon
Comments: Anyone with information about my dad, Bill Basso please e-mail, write to PO Box 218 Gaston, OR 97119 or call at 503-985-1915.

Sign Time: February 28 2003 at 22:21:43

Visitor's Name: Ashlen
Email: ashbrooke5@yahoo.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Louisiana
Comments: My grandfather, Foriest Mack Bryant, who passed away in 1994 was in the eleventh armor 41st tank division. I am very interested in talking to anyone that knew him. I know that he was a seargant. Please, if you knew him, email me.

Sign Time: February 26 2003 at 15:15:07

Visitor's Name: Sgt Harold Lee Urban
Email: chiefurban@netscape.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: 575th AAA
Comments: I'm Sgt Harold Lee Urban and I'm looking for Cpl Jimmy Mathis of the 575th AAA. Please email my son, Chief Matt Urban (USNR) at the supplied email address to contact me with any information about Jimmy. Thank you, Lee.

Sign Time: February 23 2003 at 17:42:55

Visitor's Name: Patrick Mooney
Email: pj.mooney@verizon.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: South Riding, Virginia
Comments: LIBERATION OF MAUTHAUSEN DOCUMENTARY BEING FILMED - VETERANS BEING SOUGHT. Dear Veterans of the 11th Armored Division; I am writing you on behalf of a feature length documentary being produced by our production company for the National D-Day Museum in New Orleans and the SHOAH Foundation, regarding the Liberation of the Mauthausen Concentration Camp System. As a military historian, my role as Chief Historical Consultant is to coordinate the various aspects of research, documentation and production to ensure the accuracy of what goes up on the big screen and make sure the story is told and told right! Much has been written and recorded of the experiences of those who were interned in the Death Camps, but very little has focused on those who actually did the Liberating. Our goal is to tell the story of both sets of heroes – those outside and inside the walls – and to make sure story of the men of the 11th Armored Division is included in the Documentary. Therefore, we are contacting as many Liberators and their families as possible and asking for their assistance with this documentary. We have already conducted the interviews of five camp survivors during the 2002 Liberation Memorial at the camp in Mauthausen and are now contacting the men who fought their way across Europe and actually conducted the Liberation. The history of the 11th Armored Division is well known, and the accomplishments of the Division in its fight across Europe are part of the legend of the US Army in World War II. I am also familiar with your role in the Liberation of the camps of Mauthausen and your subsequent care of those Camp Inmates whom you liberated. However, we are looking for the story in your own words. We are asking for any who would like to share their experience to please contact our office by phone or e-mail with your contact information and to request a copy of our Information Form, so that we can contact you right away. Upon receipt of the form, I will review them and forward to the Producer and Director who will identify those who would best fit the vision of the documentary. I will then begin contacting you by phone to discuss the project and to ask some preliminary questions. Should you then wish to participate and assist us with the documentary, we would then coordinate a time and place when we could meet with you and conduct an on camera interview to be included as part of the documentary. All interviews and information will also become part of the permanent archives of the D-Day Museum, so that generations to come will learn of the service and sacrifice of the “Thunderbolts” in World War II. Additionally, we are also asking Liberators who have any artifacts or items relating to their service and/or the Liberation to consider loaning them to us for photography and filming and possible inclusion in the documentary. All items will be returned promptly after filming. Please feel free to contact me anytime at my office, toll-free, at 866-422-8853, or by e-mail at pj.mooney@verizon.net should you have any questions about the Information Form or wish to discuss the documentary. Sincerely, /s/ Pat Patrick Mooney Chief Historical Consultant - “Kiss the soldiers - The Liberation of Mauthausen”

Sign Time: February 20 2003 at 08:45:01

Visitor's Name: Terry Ryland
Email: tryland@aglresources.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Simmesport Louisiana
Comments: Willard (Blinky) Ryland was my uncle in the 778th Tank Battalion, Company B. He died on December 19, 1944. Anyone with any information, please respond to this message. It would be greatly appreciated. I can be reached in the evening by phone at 678-947-6959. Terry Ryland

Sign Time: February 20 2003 at 04:25:48

Visitor's Name: Vic Campbell
Email: vic@grade-a.com
Homepage URL: http://www.grade-a.com/bulge
You are from: New Jersey
Comments: Ray Buch of the 11th ADA NJ Thunderbolts continues to offer the "Christmas 1945 . The Bulge, a remembrance" which is a collection of about 20 members of The VBOB organization that met for vignette interviews at Pincattinny aresenal a few years ago. Mr.Buch is not in great health, but is determned to get as much of his old film footage and other war archives documented as best he can. He can be contacted at his home by mail at PO Box 108 Pittstown, NJ 08867 (908) 735-8544. He offers the videos for sale as a fund raiser for the NJ Chapter. It has been my great honor to work with him to get some of his materials and the interviews into the hands of people who should value the contribution of this great generation of Americans.

Sign Time: February 16 2003 at 19:01:16

Visitor's Name: marvin bishop
Email: mabishop@aikenelectric.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: aiken sc
Comments: please keep my son, Sr. Airman James A. Bishop in your prayers - he has been deployed to the mideast with the SC ANG. He is the grandson of Pfc. James M/ Bishop, 21 AIB, 11th AD, DOW 4-24-45, germany. many thanks.

Sign Time: February 16 2003 at 15:19:07

Visitor's Name: Bill Killea
Email: bkillea@exchange.ml.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Chatham, NJ
Comments: My father, Capt. William D. Killea, served with the 42nd Tank Battalion, 11th AD. Would be interested in information or anecdotes from anyone who remembers him.

Sign Time: February 12 2003 at 10:46:27

Visitor's Name: gary richardson
Email: mrgary@comcast.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: alabama
Comments: I am looking for a crest (63rd Armored Infantry Division) if anyone can help me in obtaining one please let me know. I have tried to order one but have failed. If you have one and are willing to part with it please let me know

Sign Time: February 08 2003 at 17:42:37

Visitor's Name: Gail Carberry
Email: ljudet1@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Surprise, Arizona
Comments: My brother Leslie Carberry was with Company F, 41st Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron, Mechanize,11th Armored Division. Les has passed on but he had some wild war stories he told me. It would be nice if some of his old Army friends were still around and remembered him. We all owe these men everything and these heroes are passing from us and many people will never hear about them. Thanks for this site it is great to read about them and see the photos.

Sign Time: February 08 2003 at 10:52:22

Visitor's Name: Richard Thompson
Email: crtt@chartertn.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Maryville, TN
Comments: I would like any information available regarding the wartime experiences (especially after arriving in the ETO) of PFC George E. (Cotton) Akers of Williamson, WV. He was assigned to the 11 Armored Div, 42nd Tank Bn, Company D. According to limited War Department records, he was KIA, 1 Jan 1945. According to the history page of the 11th Armored Div, he was a recipient of the Silver Star. PFC Akers was my uncle. There is very little information in our family history regarding him, Unfortunately, I never got the opportunity to discuss him with my grandparents. I am told that they grieved until their passing. He has two elderly sisters remaining who talk of him often as a child. Tks for your consideration and any information that may be provided.

Sign Time: February 07 2003 at 17:50:42

Visitor's Name: Bettina
Email: bettina.meister@gmx.de
Homepage URL: http://ahnen.bettina-meister.de
You are from: Germany
Comments: My grandfather, Walter Dobravolsky from Boston, born 1914, served in the 778th.
We have some sort of war-diary, rather mind-sketches only, that mentions the 778th and his duties.
I am looking for anybody that knows about him and whats and whens ... and would be happy to share the notes with people interested.
I'd be glad to hear from you.
Thanks a lot,

Sign Time: February 02 2003 at 07:04:42

Visitor's Name: John L. Naar (Rich)
Email: jlnaar@us.ibm.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Sacramento, CA
Comments: My uncle, PFC John "Jack" L Rich C-55AIB, KIA on Jan 1 1945 in the Bois De Magery Woods, had a very close friend named Sowell (Last name pronounced Soul...and possibly mispelled). Sowell was not on the latest C-55 AIB deceased list. Any ideas on where I can get the entire roster of the 55 AIB during the Bulge? He may have been a Medic. I am trying to locate this fellow - any suggestions?

Sign Time: February 01 2003 at 10:37:39

Visitor's Name: Jaime LeBlanc
Email: met451@yahoo.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Houston, TX
Comments: My grandfather, Arthur LeBlanc, passed away a few days ago, 1-22-03. He was a Captain and attended Texas A&M. Before he passed away, he had agreed to allow me to interview him about his life and particularly his wartime experiences, however I was unable to interview him before he passed away. I would very much like to know if anyone knew him or could perhaps tell me about about him when he was younger. He told me about several experiences during the war, and I was curious as to if anyone else knew him and could share some more with me. Any information would be much appreciated.

Sign Time: January 24 2003 at 18:15:54

Visitor's Name: Al O'Connell
Email: ailbheoc@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Boynton Beach, FL
Comments: Does anyone, probably from 11th Armored Division Artillery (490,491,492), have information on an artillery spotter aircraft shot down/crashed approx 13 Apr 1945 in the vicinity of Kronach,Germany? Both pilot and observer were killed.

Sign Time: January 20 2003 at 19:08:40

Visitor's Name: John R. "Jack" Wood
Email: speleo30@yahoo.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Chicago, IL
Comments: A photo taken by Col. Louis Alt of the 492nd AFA has been posted to the 11th’s website (members photos area). For the veterans please look at it and email me if you know where it was taken or who is in the photo. I have more to scan and contribute to the 11th AD; I hope to get on it soon. Thanks!!!

Sign Time: January 20 2003 at 11:59:07

Visitor's Name: delbert hatton
Email: csa_soldier@hotmail.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: indiana
Comments: my father was part of the 11th 42th tank bn i am try to replace his co picture with a copy i am will pay for it thank you

Sign Time: January 19 2003 at 16:02:44

Visitor's Name: George White
Email: gwhite@stargate.net
Homepage URL:  
You are from: Pittsburgh
Comments: I don't know if I am in the right area or not. I was wondering if anybody knew my grandpa Elwood M White he was with Company B 11th Tank Battalion. He didn't tell me that much so I would appreciate it if you could tell me about it or point me in the right direction. Thank you

Sign Time: January 18 2003 at 13:40:24

Visitor's Name: scott fankhauser
Email: scott_fankhauser@hotmail.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: columbus, ohio
Comments: My father, Glenn N. Fankhauser died on January 3rd, 2003 at 81. He was a member of Troop B, 41st Cav. Rcn. Sq. He would never talk much about his war experiences. I am interested in talking with anyone who knew my Dad. Thank you.

Sign Time: January 17 2003 at 08:33:34

Visitor's Name: scott fankhauser
Email: scott_fankhauser@hotmail.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from:  
Comments: My father, Glenn Fankhauser was a member of the 41st Cavalry Reconnaisance Sq. He recently passed away and I am trying to contact anyone in this squadron who may have known my Dad.

Sign Time: January 15 2003 at 07:08:22

Homepage URL: http://

Sign Time: January 10 2003 at 23:59:10

Visitor's Name: Tomi Hughes Morris
Email: thmorris3@comcast.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Wilmingtn, DE
Comments: My dad, Sgt. Thomas Hughes, served in the 41st Cav. Recon. Squadron, Mech. Dad died in 1983 (I was 22) without talking much about the war (he only ever said that he didn't watch fireworks because he had seen enough fireworks in the war). He was wounded on Jan 14, 1945 and spent the next five months in England, recovering (he also wouldn't eat lamb, because he ate alot of mutton there). Anyway -- he also played on the 11th AD football team at Camp Barkeley. I have a great photo of the team, and alot of newspaper articles about a game the team played. If there are any other team members out there -- or their descendents -- want to contact me to share stories or get copies of what I have, I'd love to hear from you! thmorris3@comcast.net

Sign Time: January 09 2003 at 09:33:44

Visitor's Name: Terry Wofford
Email: wofford914@yahoo.com
Homepage URL: http://www.angelfire.com/journal2/terry30701
You are from: Calhoun, Ga
Comments: Hi, I'm am looking for someone who might have known a great uncle of mine, Virgil I. Barnett who was killed 3-5-1945. He was my Dads favorite uncle and it would please my father greatly to talk to someone who knew him. I have Virgils photographs on my web site so if the name isn't familar maybe the face will be. Thanks, Terry

Sign Time: January 06 2003 at 07:50:56

Visitor's Name: Jason Wolf
Email: jason@4resultsnow.com
Homepage URL: http://www.4resultsnow.com
You are from: Nashville by way of New York
Comments: My name is Jason Wolf and my grandfather Soloman Farber of the Bronx, NY was a member of Thunderbolt. I believe he was a Sergeant with the 55th AIB. I am sad to say 'Poppy' passed away this past Thanksgiving week. I now have his uniform, purple heart and other citations. Poppy and I spent some time talking about his war experiences, but I would like to inquire and see if I can find out more information about his experiences or who may have known him while he served. Any help or information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much for your help and Happy New Year!

Sign Time: January 02 2003 at 09:41:56

Visitor's Name: Tricia Goyer
Email: fromdustandashes@hotmail.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Kalispell, MT
Comments: Hello to all the men (and friends) of the 11th Armored Division! First, I want to let you know how much I appreciate all your support for my new book, "From Dust and Ashes." You guys are the best! Second, if you have tried to email me about the book, or about future research, and I have not emailed you back can you please send me another message? My email program crashed with messages I haven't answered yet! Sorry about that. Tricia Goyer

Sign Time: December 27 2002 at 11:53:49

Visitor's Name: Joe Ralston
Email: ralstonj5@cs.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Milroy Indiana
Comments: I am looking for anyone who served with my father, Charles Ralston. He was in the 11th armored, 21st infantry, company C, 1944-1945. He may have mentioned Milroy, Rushville, Greensburg, Indianapolis IN. A person that he mentions a lot is John Russo who was from New Jersey.

Sign Time: December 24 2002 at 05:06:46

Visitor's Name: John Lynner Peterson
Email: jlpeterson@qx.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Kentucky
Comments: Gordon D. "Gordy" Peterson was my father. He was with the 492nd Field Artillery Btn. Dad died in 1966. Any stories or conections are most welcome!

Sign Time: December 17 2002 at 06:28:54

Visitor's Name: Shelia Cossey
Email: sheliacossey@hotmail.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Murray, KY
Comments: I am looking for information about my grandfather. He passed away a little over a year ago, and 2 weeks after his death his house burned. We lost almost all of his things from or about his time in the war. His name is William Lee Barnett, He was in the 11th division, 602nd Tank destroyer battlion. Company C. He spoke often about his experiences. But over the years I have forgotten. But recently I have been trying to research some of it so my children will have it. Thank you for any help you may be able to give.

Sign Time: December 16 2002 at 08:43:16

Visitor's Name: Peter Devine
Email: devinep@wi.rr.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Muskego, Wisconsin
Comments: I am looking for information about my grandfather Ralph Lewandowski. He passed away before I was old enough to meet him. He never talked about his experiences in the war with my family either. The only information I have says he was part of the 561 Ordnance Heavy Maintenance Compnay. I also have a patch from the 11th armored division. If you have any information about him or that company please e-mail me.

Sign Time: December 14 2002 at 11:43:12

Visitor's Name: Gerrie Peterson
Email: gerrie7126@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Colorado
Comments: My Dad, Pete Valdez was in the 11th Armored Division and fought in the Battle of the Bulge. He was wounded in combat in Feb of 1944 and was awarded the Purple Heart as result. My father never spoke much about his war memories...but was fiercely proud of his country and the sacrifice he and countless others made to keep us free. My Dad passed away in September 2001 at the age of 79. Thank you

Sign Time: December 13 2002 at 13:29:25

Visitor's Name: Tim Reckers
Email: tcreckers@yahoo.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Minnesota
Comments: Enjoyed the site. I was looking into my Grandfather's service. He served with the 55th AIB and was killed in action 14 January 1945. His name was 1LT Phillip J. Fagen. We never knew much about him as he passed so early in life. I would be interested if there is anyone out there who either served with him or knows anything about his service.

Sign Time: December 13 2002 at 03:27:08

Visitor's Name: Norman Levin
Email: NormIL51@optonline.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: New City, N.Y.
Comments: My dad was in A- company 21 AIB. He passed away in 1980, but I remember him being very proud of serving. His name was Meyer Levin. I believe he was a replacement in late Nov. 1944. I would enjoy hearing from anyone who might remember him.

Sign Time: December 03 2002 at 15:47:24

Visitor's Name: Brian Alfano
Email: balfano@smv.org
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Virginia
Comments: Are ther any members of the Company C, 133rd Ordnance Maintenance Battalion that would be willing to share stories with the grandson of Bill Alfano? Please email me at balfano@smv.org if you have stories or information. Thanks, Brian

Sign Time: December 02 2002 at 10:17:09

Visitor's Name: Mary Dearing
Email: m_dearing@hocking.net
Homepage URL: http://www.members.tripod.com/m_dearing/index.html
You are from: Ohio
Comments: My grandfather was in Battery B 491st Field Artillery Battalion, his name Raymond Monroe Stover. This site has been very informative. If anyone knew, or would have information about my grandfather please contact me, I would love to hear about it. I do have some pictures he'd taken while there, some of the concentration camps and the very sad state of the people, and him and a horse that he rode while there that he loved and wished he could have brought home with him. He passed away in 1980, when I was 10, so I never had a chance to discuss this with him. The only info I have is from what he wrote on the back of the picutures. I am into genealogy and am trying to find anything I can to add to our family history. Thanks, Mary

Sign Time: November 28 2002 at 14:22:01

Visitor's Name: terence kelley
Email: terencepau@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Belfast N. Ireland to Omaha Nebraska
Comments: VE Day 1945 I was a civilian passenger on USS Hermitage traveling with my mother from Belfast N. Ireland to United States. I was four months old. I would like to contact other passengers on the ship that day.

Sign Time: November 24 2002 at 14:40:08

Visitor's Name: MAAS Alain
Email: alain.maas@club-internet.fr
Homepage URL: http://
Comments: This is a WONDERFUL page ! Cheer ! My village DALEM, ( Moselle - FRANCE ) is located near MERTEN and REMERING. It was released on Nov. 27, 1944 ! I would like to come into contact with soldiers of the 778th which remember their passage in DALEM ?

Sign Time: November 24 2002 at 02:08:32

Visitor's Name: Pamela Elijah
Email: pselijah@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Goshen IN
Comments: A recent viewing of "Band Of Brothers" was a real wake-up for me. I would like to thank all those who served our country. I found this site while searching for information about my uncle who never made it home - Charles Stoops, who was with Co B, 56th Armored Engineer Bat. I was very touched to see his name on your honor roll. If anyone has info about his company, I'd love to hear from you.

Sign Time: November 15 2002 at 11:43:33

Visitor's Name: Ken Frisby
Email: kfrisby@direcway.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: The Dalles, Oregon
Comments: I am looking for information from anyone who might have known my Uncle. His name was Staff Sargeant Elwood D. Frisby. He was in the 11th Armoured Division,63rd Battalion. He was awarded the Silver Star for bravery during the Battle of the Buldge. Unc as we called him, died about five years ago and never spoke of the war. To show respect to my Uncle I never asked any questions. It would be nice to know more about his experiences in Germany. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thank You

Sign Time: November 13 2002 at 10:40:57

Visitor's Name: Martha Schneck
Email: dinomom@carolina.rr.com
Homepage URL: http://community.webshots.com/photo/39616428/54776624NCoznA
You are from: North Carolina
Comments: My uncle, Alex Garbarczyk, was with the 63rd AIB. We are trying to put as many names as we can to the faces in this group photo. Please take a look at it by clicking on the homepage URL. Let me know if you recognize anybody. Many Thanks in advance!

Sign Time: November 12 2002 at 18:26:56

Visitor's Name: Angela
Email: flora1065@hotmail.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Reno
Comments: This is a WONDERFUL page! Been looking for info on my grandpa, Ulysses Shilo "Bud" Abel. He was in the Medical Det. 42nd Tank Battalion. What a Veteran's Day this has been...Grampa's been gone since '90, and like others, did not talk about his service when he was alive. Any info would be appreciated!

Sign Time: November 11 2002 at 22:17:10

Visitor's Name: Jessee
Email: cataract17@hotmail.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: NH
Comments: Looking for details of Pvt. Monroe Ulrich's wounding on March 3, 1945. He was with Co. A, 21st AIB, and subsequently died on March 15th.

Sign Time: November 05 2002 at 15:52:35

Visitor's Name: Dan Boon
Email: djboon2@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Linden,,Texas
Comments: Looking for info on 1/Sgt Daniel H. Boone,Naples,Texas was with the 11th in the Thuringen Forest.His unit was Baker Company,22nd Tank Bn. May have got a field Commission. Thanks

Sign Time: November 01 2002 at 18:24:39

Visitor's Name: James Phillips
Email: closetotheedge@oddball87.freeserve.co.uk
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: England (UK)
Comments: I am restoring an M8 Armored car and under all the old flakey paint, I have found the original markings! Which were 11 Armored 41 Cavalry C18. Do any Veterans out there remember my M8!!?? The chassis number is 6184 and it was built in June 1944. I have also found the original serial number also which is USA 6038408. It was used by the Italian Police after WW2 and I am now restoring it to factory condition, Best wishes JamesPhillips, Essex, England, 28/10/2002

Sign Time: October 28 2002 at 14:10:40

Visitor's Name: RICHARD RIGSBY
Email: rlr438@earthlink.net
Homepage URL: http://

Sign Time: October 27 2002 at 22:27:02

Visitor's Name: Joey
Email: Muckman68@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Texas
Comments: My Grandpa was in the 11th armored division during ww2. I was very excited to find your website. Do any of the WW2 Vets a guy named Muckenthaler?

Sign Time: October 22 2002 at 22:23:39

Visitor's Name: Michael A. Brooks
Email: Tecumsuh6@cs.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: the Long, Long Ago Oral History Project at Suva Intermediate School in Bell Gardens, CA.
Comments: We would like to interview some of your members for our W.W. II oral history series

Sign Time: October 18 2002 at 23:36:03

Visitor's Name: Brett Pharis
Email: bpharis@gene.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Little Rock, AR
Comments: My father, Herbert Pharis, served in the 11th Armored Division, 21st Armored Infantry Battalion, Company A from January 1, 1945 till he was wounded in Germany in April, 1945. He is still alive and would very much like to locate his old foxhole mate. His last name was Snyder (spelling uncertain) and he was from Connecticut. He spoke German fluently and often served as translator. Anyone with any information that could help us locate Mr Snyder would be most appreciated. Please contact me by email or phone me at 501-227-8025.

Sign Time: October 07 2002 at 21:54:48

Visitor's Name: William P. Wiesing
Email: w.wiesing@worldnet.att.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Hq Co CC"B"
Comments: Just recently finished a very interesting book entitled "PATTON and the Battle of the Bulge". It is replete with a number of wonderful pictures from the National Archives. It was written by Michael and Gladys Green and published by the MBI Publishing Co.

Sign Time: October 03 2002 at 15:43:03

Visitor's Name: Elizabeth (Bones) Kelly
Email: elizk4600@earthlink.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Salem, VA (temporarily) soon to be back in Long Beach, CA
Comments: My father, Clyde C. Bones was in the 11th Infantry Division, U.S. Army. I am interested in finding anyone who knew him. I remember him speaking of a Gene Odell (we once had a visit from him when I was a small child). I am also interested in the battle(s)that took place in Dornot France, September 8-10, 1944. My father received a silver medal for gallantry in action. He would never speak of the war or tell us how he received the award. My father died of a heart attack in 1968. Many thanks for any information anyone can supply or for direction to any individual, books or Internet sites that might supply information

Sign Time: September 30 2002 at 20:41:42

Visitor's Name: Frank M Stout, Jr
Email: fmstout@adelphia.net
Homepage URL: http://www.11tharmoreddivision.com
You are from: Lockport, NY
Comments: In preparing a display of my WW11 US Army medals,insignia,shoulder patches, etc I am missing the 55th Armored Infantry Battalion Crest.If you have one to spare, it would be deeply appreciated. Home Address: 11 Lincolnshire Dr. Lockport, NY 14094

Sign Time: September 27 2002 at 12:20:11

Visitor's Name: Robert A. Clemens
Email: savehistry@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Massachusetts
Comments: I would like to know if anyone has any pictures of boxing tournaments conducted by the 11th Armored Division Boxing team. I am most interested in obtaining a photo of my grandfather, Charles J. Hocker. He joined the boxing team at Camp Polk early in 1943 and achieved a boxing title. He is known to have fought one of the other champions by the name of Pat Hernandez. Both men were from B Company of the 21st Armored Infantry Batallion. I would be truely grateful if anyone could share a photo. If you have a photo, please send a copy either by email or at my address: 130 Coventry Circle, Brockton MA 02301. Memories or anecdotes about the boxing days would be welcomed as well.

Sign Time: September 24 2002 at 18:35:34

Visitor's Name: Linda Nash
Email: joshandlindanash@prodigy.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Stockton California
Comments: I wanted to visit this site for my Grandfather. Troy C. Lee. he was In the 56th eng. Group. He passed away Sat. Sept 21,2002. This site will help me learn of all the things he has gone through, but could never talk about. Thanks for such a informational website. I feel closer to him everytime I come here. Sincerely, Linda Nash

Sign Time: September 23 2002 at 11:11:42

Visitor's Name: Jerome Filip
Email: Whitepartyguy_2002@hotmail.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: San Francisco
Comments: I'm doing some research for my grandfather on his old unit, the 11th Armoured Division....his name is Nick Castillo. Has anyone heard of him or possibly know him?? He's still alive and curious to see if any of his friends are still alive. He served from '42-'44, and earned 2 Purple Hearts. Thanks a lot!!

Sign Time: September 23 2002 at 02:44:22

Visitor's Name: Randell Richard
Email: randellric@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Texas
Comments: Re Gabriel J."Gabe" Richard of the 41st Mech Cav: In my father's extensive postcard and photo collection is a Christmas card with the following names and addresses written on the back. Are any of you guys out there? J. Fall of Billerica, Mass, I. Young of Detroit, L. C. Welch, Rochester, NY, R. B. Clark, Pittsburg, Pa, and H. Huson, Refugio, Texas. I would love to hear from you.

Sign Time: September 21 2002 at 20:18:14

Visitor's Name: Randell Richard
Email: randellric@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Texas
Comments: My father, 1st. Lt. Gabriel J. Richard of Lafayette, La., was in the 41st Cav Rcn Sq, Mecz. He may also have been transferred into the 55th Armd Inf Bn before arriving in Europe. His papers from this time are confusing, and I do not know his company. The papers indicate he may have been a communications officer. If there are any of you great guys out there who may remember him, I would like to hear from you. He was wounded in Germany on Feb. 9, 1945. He died in 1955 when I was only 5, and I would love to know about his days in the 11th, and the ETO. Thank you.

Sign Time: September 21 2002 at 17:56:31

Visitor's Name: Jim Power
Email: jpower2@midsouth.rr.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: TN.
Comments: A young minister at our church has started a monthly brown bag lunch meeting in which different veterans of WWII are being asked to give a 20 minute story of their experiences and then field questions. All branches have been represented in the talks and attempts are made not to have "House Soldiers", but combat veterans. Those who attend are in the age range of 30-45. I was surprised at the interest of this group.
Sign Time: September 19 2002 at 13:46:15

Visitor's Name: JW Nugent
Email: elysium@hal-pc.org
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Texas Vet son of WWII Vet
Comments: Good site. I advidly read WWII history. Your site is well constructed. The site provides insite on topics not covered in some general histories. Does the unit history contain listings of those who served; some do listing them by unit. Does the unit history contain a listing of war dead, some do; others note with an asteric in the unit listings. If these records are available they would add to the site, and serve as a logical place to look for people. Thanks JW Nugent
Sign Time: September 16 2002 at 22:13:19

Visitor's Name: Nelson Corteway
Email: ncorteway@hillsca.org
Homepage URL:  
You are from: San Mateo, California
Comments: Greetings to everyone! My grandfather is Thomas Franklin, who was in the 11th Armored 63rd AIB during WWII. I would appreciate any information that anyone might have to further my investigation into his activities during the war. He passed away when I was a young child and unfortunately I never had the opportunity to get to know him. I have only begun to trace his history and I would appreciate any information that might assist me in my endeavor. Thank You ncorteway@hillsca.org
Sign Time: September 12 2002 at 19:41:47

Visitor's Name: Howard Greinetz
Email: HowHy@Aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: 11th Armored 55th Battaion
Comments: I'm looking for George Reimers Address and would like to hear from anyone interested via My E-Mail
Sign Time: September 10 2002 at 12:49:30

Visitor's Name: Mark West
Email: mwest@seas.upenn.edu
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Delaware Co., Philadelphia PA
Comments: My father was a radio operator in an armored car belonging to 41 Cav, B Troop. He was Mark N West - a short guy, quiet but feisty, really. I'm, 39; Dad died in 1982 one year short of having decided that he *would definitely* attend the next Thunderbolts reunion. I think it was in Nashville that next year. To anybody who knew my Dad- I would love to hear from you. I will definitely visit the 11AD in Buffalo in August 2003. I have my Dad's map of the town-by-town trail plotting the movement of the 41CAV from Belgium in December 1944 all the way to Austria in the summer of 1945. Twenty 41st CAV troopers signed the back of Dad's map. Each man wrote down his name, and address at the time. If anybody remembers signing the back of TSgt. Mark N. West's map, I would love to hear from you. Sincerely yours, Mark West 728 Bennington Road Folcroft PA 19032
Sign Time: September 07 2002 at 22:58:01

Visitor's Name: Debbie Shopher Cregar
Email: DebbieCregar@hotmail.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Indiana
Comments: James Shopher my dad served during WWII My dad was in the 11th armored division, 81st armored medical battalion, company c. He served in the army from 1942 until 1945. He was originally from Harrisburg, Arkansas. He passed away this April. I thought he would always be with me to tell me the stories. If anyone remembers my dad or has any photos or stories to share I would be eternaly gratefull. Anyone which served with me dad I would love to hear from. I miss him very much. All WWII veterans families that might read this please treasure your WWII vet, you will never realize how much you will miss them until they are gone!!! Thank you for the freedom we enjoy.
Sign Time: August 30 2002 at 20:54:03

Visitor's Name: LeRoy Petersohn
Email: Pete11thAD@AOL.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Montgomery, Ill. 60538-2154
Comments: A book to be published by Tricia Goyers, after her interviews with men from the 11th Armored Division in Kalamazoo, Mich. reunion, will be going to press soon and be out in January, 2003. I urge all fellows to be sure and get a copy, as it is a well written book, for she did much research and made it very interesting to read, as many of us played a part in the book. The title of the book is, From Dust and Ashes, By Tricia Goyer, Moody Publishing.
Sign Time: August 29 2002 at 21:43:49

Visitor's Name: Susan Schoon
Email: phatss@msn.com
Homepage URL: http://phatss@msn.com
You are from: Lansing, IL
Comments: My grandfather's name was Conrad G. Kats. He was a Thunderbolt and served in the 11th Armored. He passed away in February of this year. I have been going through his war picture and so much stuff. I found a picture that says on the back "my roommate Sgt. Hood". Is Sgt. Hood alive? I would love to find out more about what my grandpa did in the war and what it was like for him. He only talked about it the last few months of his life. Thank you! Susan (708) 474-3073
Sign Time: August 23 2002 at 00:37:18

Visitor's Name: Harriet G. Petro (wife of Louis G. Petro)
Email: har31pet@aol.com
Homepage URL: www.lltharmoreddivision.com
You are from: Fort Wayne, IN 46835
Comments: Want to congratulate Dale Zanardelli on this web site.
Sign Time: August 20 2002 at 15:29:02

Visitor's Name: Dale Zanardelli
Email: the11thada@yahoo.com
Homepage URL: www.11tharmoreddivision.com
You are from:  
Comments: Just wanted to say that I had a great time at the reunion. It was enjoyable meeting all of you and hope to see you again.
Sign Time: August 18 2002 at 11:45:04

Visitor's Name: Valerie (Stull) Jesus
Email: jesusfamily@attbi.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: California
Comments: I am the niece of Cpl. Leonard Stull who was killed January 2, 1945 in the Battle of the Bulge. Would love to be in touch with anyone who served with my uncle since I never got a chance to met him. His younger brother is my father who adorded him greatly!
Sign Time: July 22 2002 at 18:21:34

Visitor's Name: Brian Alfano
Email: balfano@smv.org
Homepage URL:  
You are from: Richmond Virginia
Comments: Is there anyone from Company C of the 133rd. Ordnance Maintenance Battalion out there that would be willing to talk to the grandson of William Alfano? I would like to actually converse with anyone who may have known my grandfather. Unfortunatly I never got the chance to meet him myself. Also does anyone have a source for finding memoribelia from this unit? I am looking for shoulder patches specificly. Thanks in advance! Brian Alfano
Sign Time: July 22 2002 at 12:16:39

Visitor's Name: Brian Alfano
Email: balfano@smv.org
Homepage URL:  
You are from: Richmond Virginia
Comments: Is there anyone from Company C of the 133rd. Ordnance Maintenance Battalion out there that would be willing to talk to the grandson of William Alfano? I would like to actually converse with anyone who may have known my grandfather. Unfortunatly I never got the chance to meet him myself. Also does anyone have a source for finding memoribelia from this unit? I am looking for shoulder patches specificly. Thanks in advance! Brian Alfano
Sign Time: July 22 2002 at 12:16:39

Visitor's Name: Rod Bradbury
Email: bradbury@rglobal.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from:  
Comments: My father Jim Bradbury was in the 490th. He is living in Santa Maria, CA. Anyone in his group can e-mail me with an address and I will pass it on to him.
Sign Time: July 19 2002 at 13:31:13

Visitor's Name: Robert J. Lessick
Email: Less6@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Plano, Il 60545
Comments: We'd like to see a list of who's coming to the 11th Armored Reunion in Columbus, OH. We'll be there. Bob Lessick E 41st Cav PS We'd like to see more people from Troop E at the reunion!
Sign Time: July 18 2002 at 18:09:06

Visitor's Name: Henry S. Trostle
Email: flyerhank@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Suffolk, VA
Comments: I am seeking information regarding the M4A3(76) HVSS shown crossing the Muhl river on 4 May, 1945 in the first picture of the photo gallery.Picture is captioned "CCA armored column fording the Muhl River at Neufelden Austria with the help of A56ENG. May 4, 1945." My interest lies in the fact that I wish to construct a model of this Sherman but need help. I have several questions concerning the hull numbers and markings of this tank, and in particular am interested in the .30 cal Browning MG mounted in front of the commander's cupola. This seems to be a field modification and I want to model this vehicle correctly and wish to learn what kind of mount was used, etc.... Thanks in advance for any information that can be relayed. Henry
Sign Time: July 17 2002 at 21:31:57

Visitor's Name: Michael Mowchan Jr
Email: MMowchanJr@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://www.legacy.com/HartfordCourant/LegacySubPage2.asp?Page=LifeStory&PersonId=393076
You are from: Newington, CT
Comments: My father-in-law; Irving Kenny E41CAV passed away this past Wednesday, 7/3/02. He was very proud in how he served our country in World War II. He had attended many 11th Armored divsion reunions and had many friends in the division. Attached is guest book site provided by his family. Thanks http://www.legacy.com/HartfordCourant/LegacySubPage2.asp?Page=LifeStory&PersonId=393076
Sign Time: July 07 2002 at 16:52:19

Visitor's Name: Robert W. Buchanan
Email: rwbuchan@crn.org
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Prairie Village, KS
Comments: Searching for information on Elmer R. Miller, KIA 1/14/44 near Hemroulle, Belgium. 11th Armored Division, 41st Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron. He came from Cherryvale, KS. Thanks for any help.It seems the records in St. Louis were lost in a fire.
Sign Time: July 01 2002 at 21:07:42

Visitor's Name: Brian Alfano
Email: balfano@smv.org
Homepage URL:  
You are from:  
Comments: I am trying to learn more about my Grandfather and his role in WWII. His name was Felix Alfano. All that I know about him is that he was a tank mechanic with the 11th. Does anyone have any more information about him? Please send me anything you can. Thank you, Brian Alfano
Sign Time: July 01 2002 at 11:16:41

Visitor's Name: William P. Wiesing
Email: w.wiesing@worldnet.att.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Hq. CC"B"
Comments: Members of Hq. CC"B" and attached units may be interested in a book I have Just read entitled: ALTERNATIVE TO ARMAGEDDON written by Col. WESLEY W. YALE and Gen. Hasso Von Manteuffel and published by the Rutgers University Press
Sign Time: July 01 2002 at 10:41:43

Visitor's Name: Vera Zanardelli
Email: vmzpn@cbpu.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: ExVP 11th Armored division
Comments: The leader of the Computer Club that I attend is facinated by the Armored Divisions. He recently read a book written by a tanker that he strongly recommends. The name of the book is "Death Traps" written by Belton Y. Cooper. the ISBN is 8-89141-722-2 (paperback) or 8-89141-670-6 (hardcover) After reading this book you will understand the importance of the maintenance methods of an Armored Division and how important and dangerous the job was.
Sign Time: June 29 2002 at 10:01:35

Visitor's Name: Rainer Kliemann
Email: rmklm@t-online.de
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Germany
Comments: My father (at this time 17 years old) was captured around the 20. May 45 from the 11th Amored Division. He was than in a POW camp in Urfahr near Linz under control of the 11th AD. On my fathers travel warrant is the name: Howard W. Decker/ Lt. Col. Inf. G-5. From what Bataillion was he the chief and who was chief/vize chief from the Urfar POW camp? Was someone at this camp soldier and have made photos from there. My Dad and I aprreciate any help!! ----------- Another point. I searching pictures from planes, crashed planes, airfields which was on the 11th AD way for my airwar researches. Have somebody made photos at this time? Thank you for your help. Rainer Kliemann Germany
Sign Time: June 27 2002 at 16:13:12

Visitor's Name: Peter King
Email: mikeking@telepath.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: OKC
Comments: Doing biogragphy on veteran history on the King side of my family. My father and his brother were WWII vets.their uncle WWI vet Civil War north and south and war of 1812 and the American Rev.with veteran in the British Army that swithced Service during the American Revolutionary Campaign. Great Grandmother on Fathers Side was a DAR. Looking of any relatives of members of the C company of the 21AIB. Any replies would be appreciated.
Sign Time: June 25 2002 at 16:17:31

Visitor's Name: C 21AIB Kenneth King
Email: mikeking@telepath.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: OKC
Comments: Would like to email anyone in C Company in the 21AIB. I was 2nd lt. until I left Germany in August of 1945. Kenneth King Esq. 1st Lt. C 21AIB Kenneth King
Sign Time: June 25 2002 at 16:11:48

Visitor's Name: Gaëlle Hudé
Email: hude.jj@club-internet.fr
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: France
Comments: I have got a patch of the division, I wanted to know the history of soldiers who saved my country. I want to thank you for your informations.
Sign Time: June 24 2002 at 09:16:05

Visitor's Name: Neil Massie
Email: nmassie@snet.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Danbury, CT
Comments: My father, Philip E. Massie was a Liason Pilot with the 492nd AFA. He passed away on May 28th, 2002. I would love to hear from anyone who knew him. To all of you that have helped build and maintain this site, I express my heartfelt gratitude. It helped build a larger context for the stories he told me of his experiences during WW II. Also helped me understand some of the things that he alluded to but would not talk about. One comment in a letter to my mother near the end of the war "I am seeing things that are too horrible to describe" probably refers to things he saw at Mauthausen. I know from references he made that he flew over the camp, but I am not sure if he was ever there on foot.
Sign Time: June 21 2002 at 14:06:16

Visitor's Name: Frank M. Stout, Jr.
Email: fmstout@adelphia.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Lockport, NY
Comments: Dear Fellow 11th Armored Division Association Comrades: The 11th Armored Division Association was founded in Gmunden, Austria in August, 1945. Annual reunions in succeeding years have usually been convened on or near the anniversary date of the founding in the month of August. This tradition is presently threatened by a proposal to hold future annual reunions in September, October, or later. We have the endorsement of some of our wartime leaders to continue the August meeting tradition. What is your feeling on this matter? Please email fmstout@adelphia.net or write to Frank M. Stout, Jr., 11 Lincolnshire Drive, Lockport, NY 14094. Your vote at the General Meeting in Columbus may decide the issue. My petition and your vote for retaining the August reunion tradition will be much appreciated. Sincerely, Frank M. Stout, Jr. Co. A, 55th Armored Infantry Battalion
Sign Time: June 19 2002 at 01:18:51

Visitor's Name: Marcel Pappalardo
Email: Marcel_Pappalardo@hotmail.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Falls Church VA
Comments: I would very much appreciate any information anyone is willing to send on 11th Armored Division 41st Cavalry Reconnaissance Squad (I believe he was in CC B) I'm looking up information for my Grandfather...Nick Pappalardo he is retired and living well in Florida. Thanks in advance!
Sign Time: June 03 2002 at 15:46:00

Visitor's Name: Jim Hawes
Email: jimhawes@earthlink.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Portland, OR
Comments: Thank you for making this web site available. I would very much appreciate receiving any information from anyone who knew my uncle, Henry Smith. He was a Staff Sergeant in Company C, 21st Armored Infantry Battalion. My unle was killed on March 6, 1945 in the vicinity of Hillesheim, Germany during action to secure a bridgehead over the Kyll River near Ober Bettingen. He is now buried in Rose City cemetery in Portland, Oregon. I was 6 years old when he was killed and he has been my hero ever since. Any comments from fellow soldiers who knew him would mean a lot to me. Thank you.
Sign Time: June 01 2002 at 18:47:37

Visitor's Name: SGT K Mason, USA Ret.
Email: disabled_vet@hotmail.com
Homepage URL: http://247cash.freeservers.com
You are from: WA
Comments: Excellent work! I served with 1AD and 3AD among others...enjoyed the site. SGT Kjohn Mason USA Ret. Sign Time: May 31 2002 at 17:11:26

Visitor's Name: Cpl Bradley R. Lee
Email: www.brl@marinecorps.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Gillette, WY
Comments: My grandfather was an enlisted man in the 11th Armored Division. I knew he was in the European theater but did not know the extent of it. I did not know Wayne Lee but I am very very proud of his contributions he gave. God bless
Sign Time: May 31 2002 at 02:54:02

Visitor's Name: Cpl Bradley R. Lee
Email: www.brl@marinecorps.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Gillette, WY
Comments: My grandfather was an enlisted man in the 11th Armored Division. I knew he was in the European theater but did not know the extent of it. I did not know Wayne Lee but I am very very proud of his contributions he gave. God bless
Sign Time: May 31 2002 at 02:51:16

Visitor's Name: Barbara Santoli
Email: budbichon@yahoo.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Scranton, Pennsylvania
Comments: Would first like to say this is a wonderful and heartwarming site. I would love to hear from anyone who knew my Dad, Horace G Davis, 491st AFA, C Battery. He passed away February 28, 2000. As I go through the site so many place names and events are familiar from all my Dad told me. I feel whenever I want I can come here and still have a part of him with me. Thank you for all your hard work, you are helping to ease a pain in my heart that misses him so. He was proud to serve his country and taught me his values.
Sign Time: May 28 2002 at 19:16:28

Visitor's Name: Lucia Rio
Email: Lucia19761@interfree.it
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Italy
Comments: Very very compliments four job in Germany! Americans is ok!
Sign Time: May 28 2002 at 17:12:54

Visitor's Name: Leo Poszywak
Email: leodapoz@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Weirton, WV
Comments: My dad Anthony T. Poszywak served in the 11th Armored Division, 55th, Co. B. Dad is now 93 and still remembers and talks of the nearly 18 months and 3 battles he fought in. All of his 6 children and 6 grandchildren marvel at his clear recollections which include names and intricate details. On this Memorial day we fondly hold our hero dad and his army "buddies" in the highest esteem. Thanks THUNDERBOLTS for making the world a better place.
Sign Time: May 27 2002 at 14:14:20

Visitor's Name: Cindi Frames
Email: cindiframes@eriecoast.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Ohio
Comments: I am looking for anyone who knew my Grandfather Harold O Kerns. He served in the Army in Germany under Patton during WWII. I never met My GF, He died 7 years before I was born and my Dad was only 18, so he does not remember much about his military history. I will try to upload a photo, if it works the one on the left is my GF, the other two are unknown to me and family members, I am asuming they were military buddies. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Cynthia Kerns Frames

Sign Time: May 27 2002 at 13:10:06

Visitor's Name: Tom Hawkins
Email: TomHawkins@cox.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Navy Underwater Demolition Team / SEAL Team Association
Comments: We would like to find former Staff Sgt. Albert J. Kosiek, who was platoon leader of the First Platoon of Troop D, 41st Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron attached to CCB. Also, any of the men assigned to First Platoon on 5 May 1945. Sgt. Kosiek was first to the gate at Mauthausen and encounted Navy Lieutenant Jack Taylor. Sgt. Kosiek's story is told at your website, however, we would like to talk to him personally and obtain his photo for publication. We are doing a comprehensive story about LT Taylor, who was a member of the Office of Strategic Services (0SS), and it involve Sgt. Koisek and his platoon. Thanks. TH
Sign Time: May 26 2002 at 12:59:29

Visitor's Name: Dale Zanardelli
Email: the11thada@yahoo.com
Homepage URL: http://www.11tharmoreddivision.com
You are from: webmaster
Comments: Wishing all vets a very happy Memorial Day. Enjoy your holiday, We deserve it. Thank you all.

Dale Zanardelli,
B52-tailgunner, USAF 1977-1981
Sign Time: May 25 2002 at 08:05:29

Visitor's Name: Charles Moy
Email: moy3rd@hotmail.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Pennsauken,NJ
Comments: The Society of the First Infantry Division at: www.bigredone.org has its message board up and running
Sign Time: May 09 2002 at 19:30:51

Visitor's Name: Susan Doch
Email: ACIMreader@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Miami, Florida
Comments: If anyone remembers my father, Norman Doch, please contact me. Dad was over there and was from Brooklyn, New York. I've heard so many stories, but Dad's gone now and I'd love to hear more. Thanks.
Sign Time: May 08 2002 at 23:02:21

Visitor's Name: Louis S. Sampaia Jr. / Son: of Louis S. Sampaia Sr.
Email: jrsampaia@yahoo.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: SR-13529 , Kea ' a u , Hawaii 96749
Comments: I want to contact any one that served with my "DAD". He was in the 41-st Tank Batt. 11-th Armored Div. He was from hawaii / HT. 5'7 / 135 - 145 lbs. He had a friend named ( Reubeinstein )JAMES- ??? . I need to contact anyone that might have known him . I have tried to contact some one thru the 11-th 's home page. I would like to make any aquaintace if any . respectfully Louis S. Sampaia Jr.
Sign Time: May 04 2002 at 00:24:47

Visitor's Name: Sandra McNeil
Email: macaerouk@yahoo.co.uk
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: England U.K.
Comments: Hi! Looking for anyone who as in Beyreuth Germany between 12th April & 14th April 1945. My Dad was in Beyreuth and had his photo taken by a GI. I would love to trace this for him as he is now 85yrs old, and he would dearly love to see this photo at last. He was with another British soldier and an RAF guy and a tall man in a striped concentration suit, it was taken in front of a jeep with a hosepipe running alongside of it. Also thanks for giving him food and putting him and a few others on a train to Brussels and from there via Dakota to Bushy airfield in England. My Dad (Jim Kingston)had been a pow in Poland during 1940-45, and had been on the long march for three months wth hardly any food when your boys finally got there and fed him and some mates. Even if you don't have the photo but were there please get in touch. Thanks
Sign Time: April 29 2002 at 06:14:10

Visitor's Name: Charles White
Email: CW3661@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Belgium, WI
Comments: Several members from HQ-CCB are interested in the whereabouts of Major Jonathan Strong who was S-3. He was from one of the northern suburbs of Chicago either Wilmette or Winnetka. Anyone who may know of the Major's whereabouts or anyone who may know of someone who might know, please reply.
Sign Time: April 27 2002 at 13:33:35

Visitor's Name: John C. Locke, Jr.
Email: john@zchildress.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Austin, Texas
Comments: Hello, I'm looking for anyone who knew my father, John C. Locke of Texas with the 41st Recon Squadron. He received further training somewhere in Washington state as well as in Missoula, Montana before heading to Europe. If you knew him, please contact me. I and my sisters would like to know more about his training history and his combat experiences. Thank you. John C. Locke, Jr.
Sign Time: April 26 2002 at 00:36:33

Visitor's Name: Kathleen Ellis
Email: ellis1@totalaccess.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Elgin Texas
Comments: My grandfather was Herman Keseling. I of course never knew him but I am very interested in knowing anything about him that i can find. If anyone knew him I would appreciate hearing from you. My mother has passed away and my Uncle is still living. They never knew him. I would love to be able to pass along any information that I can. I saw his picture for the first time in my life the other day. If I can possibly get a copy of it I will post it to the board. He in the b company of the 55th Armored Infantry Battalion of the 11th Armored Division. I really would like any information that I can get. Thank you ahead of time.
Sign Time: April 21 2002 at 20:20:01

Visitor's Name: Joe McAdams
Email: napphill@earthlink.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Philadelphia, PA
Comments: My father Pvt 1st Class George McAdams served with 11th Armored Division, 490 Field Artillery Battalion Battery A. I was told he was a tanker. Enlisted 11/12/1942 discharged 11/29/1945. Any information would be appreciated.
Sign Time: April 20 2002 at 21:51:52

Visitor's Name: Kauko Mieli
Email: kirahvi1@jippii.fi
Homepage URL: http://www.suomalaisuudenliitto.fi/case.htm
You are from: Britain
Comments: Sweden's crucial role supplying Nazi Germany iron ore and military facilities. Especially notorious for their support to the Nazis were Wallenberg family, SEB bank and SKF factory. The Swedish government was responsible for the most iron ore that Nazis received. Kiruna-Gällivare ore fields in Northern Sweden were all important to Nazi Germany. These heavy deliveries of iron ore and military facilities from Sweden to Nazi Germany lengthened World War II. Casualties of the war has been estimated at 20 million killed in Europe. How many of them died due to Sweden's material support to Nazi Germany? Gerard Aalders and Cees Wiebes The Art of Cloaking Ownership: The Secret Collaboration and Protection of the German War Industry by the Neutrals: The Case of Sweden. Tauno Tukkinen in his study reveals an ethnic cleansing in Western Uusimaa, some 50 km west of Helsinki, in May 1918. Some 200 Finnish civilians, men and women, were executed by Swedish battalion. The commander of this battalion was Mr Edward Ward. Most victims were leftist, but more important factor was their Finnishness: practically all of the victims were Finnish. Almost all the executed were in this sad case Finnish civilians, who just happened to live in that area. Finnish source: Tauno Tukkinen: Teloittajien edessä. Ihmiskohtaloita Karjalohjalla, Sammatissa, Nummella, Pusulassa, Nurmijärvellä, Vihdissä ja Inkoossa 1918. Ill. 160 pages.
Sign Time: April 12 2002 at 08:18:08

Visitor's Name: Charles White
Email: CW3661@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Belgium, WI
Comments: The 11th flag. I moved and lost the contact. Take a picture of the division patch to a flag maker or retailer and they will make one for you. That is how I did it.
Sign Time: April 10 2002 at 16:35:42

Visitor's Name: Charles D. Terry
Email: cdttexas@goquest.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Palestine, Texas
Comments: Anyone remember a B-17 crashing on the ground near Remagne on January 5, 1945. I was in that plane and was helped by some GI's that day. Thanks!!!!
Sign Time: April 07 2002 at 17:38:44

Visitor's Name: John H. Munday, Jr.
Email: mundayjohn@hotmail.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Hagerstown, MD
Comments: I would like to contact anyone who knew my father, PFC John H. Munday. Dad was a member of Co. A, 21st Armored Inf. Batt., 11th Armored Division. He received frozen feet during the Bulge.
Sign Time: April 06 2002 at 10:21:46

Visitor's Name: Web Site Editor
Email: danncathyo@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: 11th ADA Web Site
Comments: Message to Mike Liebau: Please furnish your current email address to me ASAP. Because of an apparent change or error in the email address, responses to the Bulletin Board message you posted on December 26, 2001 are not reaching you. Dan O'Brien, Web Site Editor
Sign Time: April 04 2002 at 18:13:28

Visitor's Name: John Weeks
Email: weeksj@rogers.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Ontario, Canada
Comments: My father, Wallace H.Weeks, Pfc,16178066, was a tank driver in Company B, 42nd Tank Battalion. I am interested in hearing from anyone who knew of him or served with him in the E.T.O. I am writing a chronology of his service time and would also like to hear from anyone who also drove a tank with B42Tank.
Sign Time: April 04 2002 at 17:53:01

Visitor's Name: Gary L. Dunham II
Email: gldunham@chartermi.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Midland Michigan
Comments: I would like to talk to anyone who knew Harold Austin. I do not know what unit he was in. But any info would be helpful. Thank you. Gary Dunham (grandson)
Sign Time: April 03 2002 at 13:33:27

Visitor's Name: Orval Peterson
Email: deac58@hotmail.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Nebraska
Comments: I was in the 56th engineers B. served under Capt.Will McMasters...Anyone that knows me please contact me...Thank you.
Sign Time: April 02 2002 at 22:14:07

Visitor's Name: george kirby
Email: gkirby88@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: new jersey
Comments: my dad. George Kirby served in the 56th Armored Engineer Battalion as a halftrack driver, anyone remember him? Please email me.
Sign Time: March 30 2002 at 15:58:01

Visitor's Name: ROGER MARQUET
Email: rogermarquet@wanadoo.be
Homepage URL: users.skynet.be/bulgecriba
You are from: Chenogne, Belgium
Comments: Could someone provide me the names and ranks of the 4 men who were KIA while attacking Chenogne, Belgium with the 22nd Tk Bn on January 1, 1945. It is for a possible monument. Thank you.
Sign Time: March 24 2002 at 19:23:39

Visitor's Name: Gary
Email: lindaboom-garya@webtv.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Wisconsin
Comments: Son of 22nd tank battalion soldier Reuben Ahlen KIA Jan. 1, 1945. Showing grand kids division web page.
Sign Time: March 23 2002 at 16:58:37

Visitor's Name: Ronda
Email: cmronda@hotmail.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: VA
Comments: I am working on a photo album for a friend that servied during WWII in Mittenwald, Ger. In one of the pictures there are large rocks on the roofs of the buildings. Can anyone tell my why they put rocks on their roofs? thx in advance for your response.
Sign Time: March 22 2002 at 18:57:41

Visitor's Name: Simon H
Email: simon@lerenfort.fsnet.co.uk
Homepage URL: http://www.lerenfort.fsnet.co.uk
You are from: England
Comments: I would be interested to hear from any veterans who recall being camped in Melksham area during WW2. Do you have any photos of your camp? Did you date any local girls? All mail will be replied to.
Sign Time: March 22 2002 at 08:20:06

Visitor's Name: Duff Imholt
Email: woafish@molalla.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Oregon
Comments: My uncle was cpl. Raymond Imholt. He was a tank crew member with the 11th in WWII Anyone who knew him please write.
Sign Time: March 20 2002 at 23:55:32

Visitor's Name: Ann
Email: fuzzymae@att.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Daughter of Roy McGinnis
Comments: I am just aiding my father in his search for men that were in his unit. Any advise would be greatly appreciated.
Sign Time: March 20 2002 at 09:58:36

Visitor's Name: Bill Ermolowich
Email: andyyougoonie@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: new jersey
Comments: My grandfather is CPL.CHARLES COOK, he served with the 778th, i was wondering if anyone knew him, served together and stuff, he passed away a few yrs ago and is my hero, i m so glad there is this great website. so, if anyone knew of him, i would love to hear from you, thankyou.
Sign Time: March 19 2002 at 00:50:57

Visitor's Name: PFC Matthew Simonds
Email: simplesimondsus@yahoo.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Wolfeboro, NH
Comments: I am the great grandson of SP4 William Oliver Putnam, a member of the 56th Armored Engineer Battalion if I remember correctly. I know he served as his companies Armorer, and hurt himself while inspecting an odd weapon. I would like to get in touch with anyone who may have known him, as he passed away about 2 years ago. Thank You
Sign Time: March 18 2002 at 01:28:40

Visitor's Name: James Kinsey
Email: jayk84@yahoo.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Florida
Comments: I am a descendent of a member of the 490th Field Artillery Battalion. All I can recall from stories passed on to me was that he was a field medic. He was SSGT. Leon Kinsey from Bell/Trenton Florida. I would greatly appreciate anyone who has known him, to please contact me.
Sign Time: March 16 2002 at 20:01:15

Visitor's Name: Peter Dimmig
Email: hp_dimmig@hotmail.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Germany
Comments: I am 30 years old and assingned with the German Air Force in the United State. First of all I want to say that you have a very good web side. On this I could find out that the 11th Armored Division was involved on the Mosel Crossing in March 1945. I would love to get some more information about the 11th Armored Division's move to the Lutzerath-Driesch-Buchel area in March 1945 shortly before the river crossing and if there were troops stationed in this area after the crossing was compleded. Thank you very much. Peter
Sign Time: March 15 2002 at 12:57:57

Visitor's Name: Judy Douglass
Email: herkamur@msn.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Missouri
Comments: I am interested in information about my father, Staff Sargeant Harold (Doug) M. Douglass. He served with the 11th Armored Division
Sign Time: March 13 2002 at 19:08:46

Visitor's Name: Allen Heist
Email: AllenGHeist@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: West Chester, PA
Comments: Trying to find a patch of the 11th Armored Division to complete my collection of the 3rd Army units. My uncle served with the 50th Armored Infantry Battalion.
Sign Time: March 09 2002 at 20:11:09

Visitor's Name: Victor Albrandt
Email: viclaine@mato.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Whitewood S.D.
Comments: Dear Dale, thanks for responding to my letter, and also for putting together a great website. Thanks again. Vic Albrandt Korean War Vet
Sign Time: March 08 2002 at 14:33:28

Visitor's Name: Victor Albrandt
Email: viclaine@mato.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Whitewood S.D.
Comments: I am looking for anyone that knew my brother, Henry Albrandt, he was in the Headquarter Company 41st tank battalion in the winter of 44, also a halftrack driver. Any info. would be greatly appreciated. thanks.
Sign Time: March 08 2002 at 13:00:21

Visitor's Name: Marearl Denning
Email: mdenning@kc.rr.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Kansas
Comments: Earl A. Bahr, my father, served with the 11th Armored Division, Company A, 63rd Armored Infantry Battalion. Wanting to talk with anyone who may have served with him or knew him. Thank you, Marearl
Sign Time: March 06 2002 at 13:37:01

Visitor's Name: Lonnie L. Goolsby III
Email: llgiii@yahoo.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Fort Worth,Texas
Comments: Wanting to know what German opposition did the 42nd Tnk Battalion face in and around Rechrival, Burl and Hubermont on Dec44/Jan45? More specificly were they pitted against Tiger and or Panther tanks?
Sign Time: February 26 2002 at 15:21:28

Visitor's Name: Cpl C.L. Perkinson
Email: perkchig@hotmail.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Oaktown, In
Comments: From the 491st Ser. Batt. 11th Armored Div. 1942-1945.
Sign Time: February 25 2002 at 18:51:51

Visitor's Name: norman bartley
Email: pbartley@infocom.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Indiana
Comments: My Uncle was in the 491st. service battery at the Battle of the Bulge. His name was Ellis Frank Bartley T/4. If anyone remembers him please email.
Sign Time: February 25 2002 at 17:36:27

Visitor's Name: Kim
Email: johnkimpund@psci.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Jasper, IN
Comments: I am the granddaughter of T4 Robert E. Jacobs who served in WWII. He was a tank driver in the 11th Armored Div. Co A 22 Tank Battalion, discharged with Co. I 315 Inf. Regt. 79 Div. He passed away on Feb. 6, 1993. He attended the 11th Arm. reunions faithfully with his wife Josephine. He never talked about the war, but it had a great affect on him and he made great friends through it. I am hoping someone who knew him will contact me. Could you please email me a list of people from his unit or a name of a more specific email for his unit. I am so proud of him and all members of the armed forces, so I want to found out as much as I can. Thank you for your time.
Sign Time: February 21 2002 at 13:37:27

Visitor's Name: John William Mooney
Email: j.w.mooney@worldnet.att.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Whitehall OH (columbus)
Comments: Just had the 57th anniv of my wounding, 2/18/45. I came to the 11th from ASTP Washington State College. I was in A Co. 63AIB I thank the webmaster for a fine presentation. I hope to read more and hope I may hear from any of my fellows Hope to attend the convention here in Col.
Sign Time: February 19 2002 at 21:34:54

Visitor's Name: Jim Hennessey
Email: ND-JimHennessey@webtv.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Bayonne New Jersey
Comments: Happy to sign this guestbook.Good LuckWW2-Vet-87th-Golden Acorn-Infantry Division.Sure was cold in the Ardennes. God Bless the G.I.
Sign Time: February 18 2002 at 10:53:27

Visitor's Name: Frederick R. Miller, PH1, USN Retired
Email: joker528@nycap.rr.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Ballston Spa, New York
Comments: The following obituary was published on today's edition of The Saratogian, Saratoga, New York Forwarded by: Frederick R. Miller, PH1, USN Retired Ballston Spa, New York 12020 Dr. Richard Rotheim SARATOGA SPRINGS -- Richard H. Rotheim D.D.S., passed away on February 4, 2002, at Wesley Health Care Center in Saratoga Springs. He was 87. Born on June 16, 1914 in New York City, he was the son of the late Sidney and Ruth Rotheim, and identical twin brother of the late Howard Rotheim. He was the husband of the late Sylvia Rotheim, to whom he was married for 49 years. He was a 1935 graduate of Columbia University, where he played on the basketball team, and a 1939 graduate of New York University School of Dentistry. He practiced dentistry in Brooklyn and then Hicksville, N.Y. until his retirement in 1984. Dr. Rotheim served in World War II as a Medical Officer in the 11th Armored Division in France, and then in Germany and Austria during the Allied Occupation. He was among the team that liberated Mauthausen, a German concentration camp outside of Linz, Austria. He is survived by his son and daughter-in-law, Roy and Gayle Rotheim of Saratoga Springs; his grandchildren, Amy Rotheim Sullivan of New York City, and Jena Ruth Rotheim and Jason Howard Rotheim, both of Boston, Mass. He is also survived by his sister-in-law, Paula Rotheim; his nephews, Douglas Rotheim and Lawrence Grossflam; his niece, Bonnie Schafer; and several grandnieces and nephews. A funeral service will be held at 12:30 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 7, 2002, at I.J. Morris, Inc. Funeral Home, 21 East Deer Park Road, Dix Hills, Long Island. Burial will follow at New Montifiore Cemetery in Farmingdale, Long Island In lieu of flowers, the family would appreciate memorial contributions be sent to Wesley Health Care Center, 131 Lawrence St., Saratoga Springs, NY 12866. Arrangements are by Simone Funeral Home Inc., 105 Lake Ave., Saratoga Springs, NY 12866.
Sign Time: February 06 2002 at 14:34:31

Visitor's Name: jacquel borey thierry
Email: thjb@caramail.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: paris, france
Comments: would it be possible for you to send this letter to the historian of the 11th division association. Paris , france 30th january 2002. Letter adressed to the 11th armored division association attention to the division historian Among those units could you tell me which of them used the new pershing M26 tank in april 1945? 22nd , 41st,42nd tank battalion ( a photo from the booklet 11th armored division thunderbolt show on page 9 jpg major general dager with a pershing tank of the 11th division , what is the tank battalion's unit of this m26 on photo page 9). Could you please write me back as soon as possible by e-mail or by post to this following adress in france to : my e-mail adress : thjb@caramail.com my postal adress: monsieur thierry JACQUEL BOREY 365 rue de vaugirard 75015 paris france could you please write me back as soon as possible please.
Sign Time: January 30 2002 at 14:28:35

Visitor's Name: Floyd Swanson
Email: flswanson@msn.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Crystal, Minnesota
Comments: My father was Roy Swanson a Sergent in Headquaters Company 42nd Tank Battalion 11th Amored Division. He passed away in 1998 and I am looking for any one that knew him or could tell me any information about his time in WWII.
Sign Time: January 26 2002 at 16:17:00

Visitor's Name: Jim Power
Email: jpower2@midsouth.rr.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Tennessee
Comments: Would someone please identify the College of Puget Sound ASTP'ers in the photo section? I was at CPS, but, perhaps, we should say University. Several years ago, I was conducting some employee meetings in a business we had just acquired in that city and referred to the fact that I had attended CPS. I was trying to establish a little rapport with the group. A hand went up and I recognized the person who said, "That had to be a long time ago. It has been an university for 25 years." My mother saved almost all the letters that I wrote home during the war and rereading some of the ASTP letters brings back memories.
Sign Time: January 19 2002 at 11:13:57

Visitor's Name: Douglas Frenia
Email: dsfrenia@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: New Jersey
Comments: Hello, My grandfather's brother..Orel Frenyea was a member of 11th AD 41st cavalry recon squad trp D. He was KIA 4/1/45. Would like to know if anyone in this forum knew this man. Thanks
Sign Time: January 18 2002 at 13:56:57

Visitor's Name: tie
Email: tiebutterfly@yahoo.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: ohio
Comments: i would like any info on pfc loren hunt 83rd 329th 1942-1945 thank you! tie
Sign Time: January 13 2002 at 17:23:52

Visitor's Name: Ron Perkinson
Email: perkchig@hotmail.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Carlisle,In
Comments: I would like some information. My father, in whom I am very proud, served in the ETO,and I would like to know what the patch on the sleeve of an oak leaf wreath was for. This was given after the war and, as I understand was sewn on the left sleeve forearm. My father also had, I'm supposing, campaign medals,three in a row, bronze stars, symbolizing, Rhineland, Central Europe, and Ardennes. If you have the information on the oak leaf wreath or were part of the 491st Service Battery, please contact me. My father is Cpl. Claude L. Perkinson. Thank you for your help and thank you very much for your service to this great country of ours. Your courage has been a model of heroism and will always be. Ron Perkinson
Sign Time: January 12 2002 at 23:59:32

Visitor's Name: Lori Polak
Email: LPolak1@prdus.jnj.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: New Jersey
Comments: My grandfather, Arnold Hagland, would like to know if there is any way he could get a G-2 Report (after action report) from the Battle of the Ardennes to the Ziegfried Line and if there are any baseball caps for the 11th Armored Division (NJ or PA) for sale. Please contact me at my email address. Thanks!
Sign Time: January 12 2002 at 17:03:44

Visitor's Name: Ronald Sambrooks
Email: lady_desdemonauk@yahoo.co.uk
Homepage URL: http://www.clarebishop53@freeserve.co.uk
You are from: Wolverhampton
Comments: My name is Ronald Sambrooks i am looking for an old war comrade "Ginger" Adams we served together in Germany in 1944, A company 3dr Monmouth regament, 11th Armoured division. He origionally came from Dudley in the West Midland. Any other comrades are welcome to get in touch.
Sign Time: January 12 2002 at 14:35:16

Visitor's Name: Jim Love
Email: jmlove@concourse.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: California
Comments: My father served with the 41st Cav Recon Sq., Troop C, Squad M. I would be interested in communicating with any former members of his unit. I am interested in knowing more details about the unit when it entered Austria and what it did at the end of the war. Thank you.
Sign Time: January 12 2002 at 13:49:03

Visitor's Name: Jim Love
Email: jmlove@concourse.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: California
Comments: Does anyone know where I can purchase a unit crest or patch for the 41st Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron? There was a green and white designed crest for the unit when it was the 91st Armored Recon Bat. Later it was redesigned the 41st Cav Recon Sq. and some changes made to the crest. I would appreciate anyone sending some information on where to obtain one. Thank you.
Sign Time: January 12 2002 at 13:36:28

Visitor's Name: Lewis Philip Barclay
Email: lpb1@ix.netcom.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Ohio & California
Comments: My father, Tsgt Lewis Porter Barclay served in the 492nd AFA Bn, Service Batt. Looking for anyone who knew him.
Sign Time: January 11 2002 at 19:22:46

Visitor's Name: mike hardung
Email: mikeh@odessaoffice.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: odessa,wa.
Comments: my father joe hardung was in the 63 armored inf btl. i would like to know if anyone remembers him
Sign Time: January 10 2002 at 19:02:06

Visitor's Name: Robert Wettemann
Email: wettemar@mcmurryadm.mcm.edu
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Abilene, TX
Comments: I am a professor of History at McMurry University in Abilene, Texas, specializing in 20th century military history. My current project, tentatively entitled, "Rhino Tanks and Sticky Bombs: Yankee Ingenuity in the Second World War," examines field expedients developed by U.S. servicemen during the Second World War. In this project, I argue that the "Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without" mentality present in the United States prior to 1941, coupled with the preponderance of mechanical items that future soldiers and sailors had access to both prior to and during the war, made U.S. soldiers uniquely suited to find technical solutions to problems they encountered during the course of their wartime experiences. I contend believe that these non-regulation solutions, employed by U.S. soldiers engaged in all theaters of operation, were essential to the ultimate Allied victory. Currently, I am compiling information on as many of these field expedient solutions as possible. If you know of, or participated in the development of such items during the Second World War, I would love to hear your story. Please contact me at: Robert Wettemann Department of History McMurry University McM Station Box 638 Abilene, TX 79697-0638 If you would prefer, I can also be reached via email at: wettemar@mcmurryadm.mcm.edu. Thank you.
Sign Time: January 08 2002 at 11:58:37

Visitor's Name: tie
Email: tiebutterfly@yahoo.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: ohio
Comments: iam looking for anyone with info on my father pfc.loren hunt 83rd 329th 11 armored divison 1942-1945 thank you tie
Sign Time: January 05 2002 at 22:01:53

Visitor's Name: Megan Hoppe
Email: ocean_city13@yahoo.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Villas,NJ
Comments: I am writing this on behalf of my husband Stephen Hoppe. His great-uncle was Joseph Farnick. He was part of Company H 55th Armored Infantry Regiment 11th Armored Division. He never knew he uncle or that he had been part of World War II. Nobody in his family shared this with him. That is until last year when his mom gave him the flag that was on his casket at the time of his burial with the flag was his Honorable discharge and seperation papers. All of this came about after my husband joined the New Jersy Army National Guard.He has proudly served his country and state for four years.I am hoping anyone can help us. He is trying to put together a shadow box for his uncle as a tribute to him. All he needs is a patch of the 11th divison and the box will be complete. thank you for your help. Megan
Sign Time: January 05 2002 at 20:28:16

Visitor's Name: Lucille DeAngelis Ettore
Email: ettorelucille@hotmail.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Daughter of medic 705th TD
Comments: Looking for Clyde McNeil from Kentucky or a Lawrence Henry. Have pictures of. Were with my Dad in the 705th
Sign Time: January 05 2002 at 16:50:58

Visitor's Name: Patty Swenson
Email: swen@olypen.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Port Angeles, Washington
Comments: My husband and I are friends of Harry Saunders (and his wife Jean), Technician 4th grade, llth Armored Division, who received the Silver Star Citation. I am just learning about all this (but am learning through this website - Thank You), and am downloading information for Harry to put in a hard-copy notebook. Anyone wishing to leave a message for him may do so at my email address. P.S. I will be gone from January 7th for about a month, for an operation, but will respond as soon as possible.
Sign Time: January 01 2002 at 20:18:08

Visitor's Name: Robert A. Clemens
Email: savehistry@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Massachusetts
Comments: I would like to know if anyone could tell me where the 94th General Hospital was in England during WWII. I am interested in finding the structure that served as this hospital. My grandfather stayed in this hospital for 4 months (January-April of 1945) recovering from his wounds suffered during the Battle of the Bulge. I would appreciate any input that would help me get a little closer to part of my grandfather's history. Thanks so much.
Sign Time: December 29 2001 at 20:48:28

Visitor's Name: Charlie White
Email: CW3661@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Belgium, WI
Comments: I am seeking information about John (Jack) Harmon who attended ASTP @ Washington State College, Pulman Wash. The WEB page gets better each time I visit.
Sign Time: December 29 2001 at 11:28:29

Visitor's Name: Mike Liebau
Email: trackmasta@earthlink.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Florida
Comments: I am trying to locate anyone with information regarding the events that resulted in the death of my grandfather, Everett A. Clark on January 1, 1945 in Belgium. He was in the 63rd Infantry Battalion, 11th Armored Division. Thank you in advance. My e-mail is trackmasta@earthlink.net
Sign Time: December 26 2001 at 02:43:59

Visitor's Name: Kevin T.McNally
Email: kmcn2k@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Cleveland, Ohio
Comments: Congratulations on the formation of an excellent website devoted to all of the fine young men who served their country with the 11th Armored Division. My father, Sgt. Thomas W. McNally, was one of those very same young men. He was in C-company, 63rd. AIB, 11th AD from 1942 through 1946. After many years of silence on the subject of his war time experiences, he has begun to tell me of his friends and comrades in arms. My father and I would thoroughly enjoy hearing from anyone who may have served with him. It would make a wonderful 82nd. birthday present for a man who is, and always will be, a hero to me.
Sign Time: December 24 2001 at 14:43:04

Visitor's Name: Webmaster
Email: the11thada@yahoo.com
Homepage URL: http://www.11tharmoreddivision.com
You are from:  
Comments: We've added the book Thunderbolt to our website. It is very interesting reading and can be located on the "Our History" page.
Sign Time: December 20 2001 at 20:55:10

Visitor's Name: ed,smialek
Email: edsmiale@hotmail.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: largo,florida
Comments: Merry Xmas to all!
Sign Time: December 19 2001 at 20:46:11

Visitor's Name: John Naar
Email: naarsac@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: California
Comments: I am trying to locate anyone with information regarding the events that resulted in the death of my uncle, PFC John "Jack" Rich Jan 1 1945 in Belgium. He was in the 55th AIB Company C. My email is naarsac@aol.com
Sign Time: December 15 2001 at 20:17:27

Visitor's Name: Jesse Wilson
Email: tophog@alltel.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Quitman, AR
Comments: Would like to learn the whereabouts of Captain Brendon Burns, CO of C Company, 41st Tank Battalion. I would also like to hear from anyone else who was with the unit.
Sign Time: December 12 2001 at 14:59:07

Visitor's Name: Robert A. Clemens
Email: savehistry@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Massachusetts
Comments: I want to congratulate Kendra Dickinson for her report on Mauthausen Concentration Camp, featured recently on the Association web-site. It was well done and throurouly researched. I found it to be very interesting and informative. It was a great contribution to history crafted by a very bright young girl. It was my pleasure to have read it. Keep up the good work.
Sign Time: December 05 2001 at 18:42:19

Visitor's Name: William Ripley
Email: snafu947@yahoo.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Indiana
Comments: Hello there. I was hoping that all veterans of WWII who read this might drop me a line. I have a series of questions I would like to send you regarding your time in WWII. If you have access to Internet Explorer, and would like to see what the information would be for, please go to http://oldreliable9_47.tripod.com That is the web address for my WWII living history group. Thank you for your time, and I hope to hear from many of you soon. For those who have answered my requests in the past, thank you again for your efforts. Wm.T. Ripley
Sign Time: December 05 2001 at 12:40:44

Visitor's Name: John Ezzo
Email: jezzo@njcc.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Trenton, NJ
Comments: Attn. 81st Medics, A Co. Anyone remember serving with my father Henry Ezzo? He entered the war after the Buldge. At the end of the war he was in Linz. He drove a halftrack. I would love to hear from you. I can send some pictures on request. Thank you.
Sign Time: December 04 2001 at 20:40:58

Visitor's Name: marvin bishop
Email: mabishop@aikenelectric.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: SC
Comments: Anyone interested in forming a Southeastern Chapter of the 11th ADA, please contact me. (SC, NC, TN, FLA, GA, VA)
Sign Time: November 29 2001 at 05:23:33

Visitor's Name: marvin bishop
Email: mabishop@aikenelectric.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: SC
Comments: ATTN. 41st Tankers: does anyone have information on the fighting on route 85 just outside Tittling on APr 24, 45? there was a tank destroyed by SS panzerfaust near a farmhouse on rt. 85. and possibly a rifleman from A21AIB who was wounded and the died and buried along side the road. Any help appreciated.
Sign Time: November 29 2001 at 05:15:02

Visitor's Name: Don Jenkins
Email: atcaw94@yahoo.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Atlanta, Ga
Comments: I am looking for information about my grandfather, Donn McEndree who was in service from Oct42 to Dec45. He was captured and a POW but escaped. I believe he was in the combat engineers. His service records were lost in the fire at the archive center in St. Louis. I am trying to build a shadow box with his citations and the American flag from his coffin for my dad. Any help/info is greatly appreciated. I am currently active duty Navy. God Bless You all.
Sign Time: November 27 2001 at 19:41:53

Visitor's Name: mike wainscott
Email: hershel350@cs.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: north vernon, indiana
Comments: I was wondering if anyone knew my Father,Raymond Wainscott or had any information on his PLT.He was in the 11th armor division,Reconnaissance Company,Pioneer Platoon.Any information on him or his outfit would would be much appreciated.
Sign Time: November 20 2001 at 18:46:27

Visitor's Name: Kathy Norris Walker
Email: walkers_station@msn.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Glendale, Ky.
Comments: My dad is George "Carl" Norris. He was in the 11th Armored Division. Dad is 79 y.o. I love hearing the stories about WWII. Mom and Dad did not make it to the reunion this year due to health problems. Hopefully next year they will.
Sign Time: November 19 2001 at 20:11:25

Visitor's Name: Andrew Hunt
Email: andrewhunt@military.com
Homepage URL:  
You are from: Bennington, Vermont
Comments: My grandfather Edward Hunt, aka Buster, was a platoon Sgt under Gen. Patton. He was wounded on his way into France, and fought for three days from a foxhole with shrapnel in his back, neck, and head. He was involved in the invasion of Normandy. If anyone here can give me any information or a story about my grandfather please email me. Thank you
Sign Time: November 13 2001 at 21:31:17

Visitor's Name: edward smialek
Email: edsmiale@hotmail.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: largo,fla.
Comments: All my very best on this veterans day, to all vets. of 11th armored division. also my prayers with those fighting for us now. ed,s
Sign Time: November 11 2001 at 19:19:30

Visitor's Name: Marvin Bishop
Email: mabishop@aikenelectric.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: SC
Comments: Anyone who has a 11th AD member/buddy who was DOW or KIA - you may be able to find out exactly where he was killed from army records of the Graves Registration. email me and I will pass on how to get the records.
Sign Time: November 08 2001 at 20:47:52

Visitor's Name: Ailsa Tessier
Email: ailsa.m.tessier@intel.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Raleigh, NC
Comments: My dad was George Sopko from Taylor, PA (near Scranton). He served with B Company 21st Armored Infantry Battalion, and involved with the liberation of Mauthausen. If anyone knew or served with my dad, I would appreciate contact. Thank you - this is a terrific site!
Sign Time: November 01 2001 at 14:40:20

Visitor's Name: Jennie Salema
Email: salema@stlucieco.gov
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Fort Pierce, Florida
Comments: My father, Earl F. Schaub, served in the 11th Armored Division during WWII. I know he was in the Battle of the Bulge. Other than that, he didn't talk too much about it. If anyone remembers him at all, please contact me. I would like to pass on some stories to my children. My youngest daughter is about to enter the U.S. Navy. Thanks so much.
Sign Time: October 31 2001 at 13:59:18

Visitor's Name: joseph magliocco
Email: klmg@velocity.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Erie, PA.
Comments: I was with the 11th Armored Division, 56 Engineers, Co.C-I am looking for John Henson, and Walter Butcher, or anyone else who served with me. Thank you. JOE
Sign Time: October 27 2001 at 09:55:10

Visitor's Name: Josh Jones
Email: CHAYNES3@triad.rr.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Eden, NC
Comments: My grandfather, Frank James Jones, was in the 11th Armored, 22nd Tank Bn, A Co. If anyone knows or has any photos of him I would love to hear from you.
Sign Time: October 25 2001 at 00:43:31

Visitor's Name: harbin
Email: ez175th@msn.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: n.c.
Comments: in viet nam did the 11th acr originate from the 11th armored div.
Sign Time: October 20 2001 at 20:14:18

Visitor's Name: Byron Rutledge
Email: bwrutledge@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Beaumont Texas
Comments: I am hoping to find someone who might have known my grandfather Earl Rutledge. I know he was in the 11th Armored and that he was in Bamberg until 1947. Does anyone have any info on what unit it could have been.
Sign Time: October 20 2001 at 16:59:24

Visitor's Name: Larry Halpin
Email: vetteguy1979@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Federal Way, Washington
Comments: My father was in the 11th Armored Division during WWII and served in AAA Btry...His name is Theodore J. Halpin he served for 20 years and retired in 1965 at Fort Richardson,Alaska and passed away while on vacation in Black Dimond, Washington from a sudden heart attack July 19,1966 sorry to say that he did not get to make any reunions with the 11th Armored Division and would have liked to reunite with his old buddies as I also served in the army for 13 years and was discharged in 1986 as a Sgt. Well I guess I was trying to follow my fathers foot steps. If any of you served with my father I would like to hear from you all.
Sign Time: October 20 2001 at 00:36:29

Visitor's Name: Brian Braden
Email: brian.braden@zurichna.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Bayonne / Glen Rock NJ
Comments: My Father Terence Braden was with the 11th Armored Division during WW II, he never spoke about the war. Unforunately he never made it to any of the reunions but planned on attending Atlantic City in 1985 or 1986 but became ill and passed away in May of 1986. If anyone new my father during the war I would like to hear from you. Thank you.
Sign Time: October 15 2001 at 17:33:49

Visitor's Name: Carl Roberts
Email: cmr100@gte.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Lewisville, Texas
Comments: My uncle, 1st Lt. Nelson Roberts, was in 22nd Tank Battalion, 11th Armored - KIA on April 30, 1945, one day after my father was liberated from Stalag 7A. My father, 2nd Lt. Standlee Roberts, was in 8th Air Force, shot down over Magdeburg, April 29, 1943. He is 79 now and is doing well. Just wondering if there is anyone who served with Nelson Roberts? If so, please email me. Thanks for creating this web-site, it has been extremely informative and hats off to all the Vets of WWII.
Sign Time: October 15 2001 at 02:32:01

Visitor's Name: Kim
Email: Khokhonut@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Colorado Springs, Co
Comments: Hi, I just recently found your great website, what an asset !!! My father served in the 11th Armored Division during WWII, and I was just looking for any stories, antecdotes, etc. for anyone one that might have known him. His name was Floyd Smith. Please feel free to email me anytime.
Sign Time: October 15 2001 at 00:48:32

Visitor's Name: Karlen Morris
Email: KpmAnvil@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: KY
Comments: I am interested to find out if anyone knows what happened to MG Dager after WWII. Does anyone know if he has any family that could share more about his military career? Thank you.
Sign Time: October 14 2001 at 18:55:01

Visitor's Name: bob heady
Email: heady2083@netscape.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Dublin, CA
Comments: I am a Viet Nam veteran and revere all veterens. Especially WWII (in which my father served) vets. My quest is for anyone who was in the 63rd Armored Inf who might have known Bill Stem. I dont know what Company he was in but he was a medic. He was my wife's uncle and was KIA on March 10, 1945 by a sniper. I would be very interested in hearing from anyone who served with Bill.
Sign Time: October 11 2001 at 09:36:19

Visitor's Name: m a bishop
Email: mabishop@aikenelectrric.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from:  
Comments: I have copies of the "Morning Reports" for 1MAR455 to 31MAR45 for the 21st TANK BTLN, if anyone wants them. I got them by mistake trying to get them for the 21st AIB.
Sign Time: October 11 2001 at 09:35:28

Visitor's Name: Susan Pfaff
Email: spfaff@aqua.org
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Baltimore, Maryland
Comments: I forgot to post my uncle's name! (see message below) It's Lewis F. Grove.
Sign Time: October 11 2001 at 09:34:32

Visitor's Name: Susan Pfaff
Email: spfaff@aqua.org
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Baltimore, Maryland
Comments: What a great website! My uncle was a member of the 11th Armored. He was in the 55th AIB, B Company. He was born and raised in Chambersburg, PA and killed on January 16, 1945 in Belgium. I never knew him and my father still finds it difficult to discuss the loss of his only (and younger)sibling. If there might be anyone here who might know something of him, I'd like to hear it as I'm also the family tree keeper. Thanks to all of you who served our country. Your deeds will never be forgotten.
Sign Time: October 11 2001 at 09:33:39

Visitor's Name: Richard Thompson
Email: crtt@chartertn.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Tennessee
Comments: I am the nephew of PFC George "Cotton" Akers of Williamson, WV. He was assigned to the 42nd Tank Bt, KIA on or about 1 Jan 45 in Belgium. I have no recollection of my uncle but I do have cards and letters written to my mother over 50 years ago that lend some insight into this young soldier. He attempted to enlist on two occasions but was rejected because of poor eyesight and general poor health but was subsequently drafted and was allowed to remain in service. I am grateful for my uncle and men such as he for providing me, my children, and my grandchild the freedom to pursue life and enjoy it abundantly. He is buried at Ft. Harrison, Virginia among Union and Confederate war dead, casualties of the Battle for Richmond. It is an isolated, country location. Peaceful but lonely and sad. No attendent, but the grounds are well tended. I have little hope that anyone in the organization would remember my uncle, but if there is someone I would be grateful for any comments. I would also like to know precisely where he was killed and the circumstances. Thank you for reading this message.
Sign Time: October 11 2001 at 06:02:07

Visitor's Name: Robert A. Clemens
Email: savehistry@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: : Massachusetts
Comments: I was wondering if anyone can tell me where the 94th General Hospital was in England during World War II. It was a military hopital that originated in Camp Barkely, Texas in 1942...if I am not mistaken. My grandfather spent some time there recouperating from wounds suffered during the Battle of the Bulge on December 31st, 1944. He was transferred to the 94th on January 3rd, 1945 and spent at least 3 months there. According to his recollections, the hospital was set up in a castle with a drawbridge. I would like to find the castle's whereabouts to include in a family history profile I am writing. Besides, it would be a nice place to visit someday. Any information would be appreciated. Thanks alot.
Sign Time: October 11 2001 at 06:01:18

Visitor's Name: Alfred D Dunn
Email: ALDDunn@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Columbus Ga
Comments: I enjoyed the reunion in Kalamazoo and just hope world conditions will allow us to meet again in 2002 in columbus.
Sign Time: October 11 2001 at 06:00:21

Visitor's Name: William E.Shea
Email: WLucky368
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Connecticut
Comments: Just wanted to register on the homesite.I served in "F"company,41st Cav. Rcn. Squadron. Joined the division at Camp Cooke until it was deactivated in'45.
Sign Time: October 11 2001 at 05:59:24

Visitor's Name: Matthew Heyns
Email: mattheyns@monmouth.com
Homepage URL: http://acts413.org
You are from: Piscataway NJ
Comments: Greetings. I am searching for information about my father's WW2 history. I only know he was in the 11th Armoured, and was at Bastonge, getting the Purple Heart during some portion of the action there. If you can assist me in getting further information, I would greatly appreciate it. May God bless this nation with Repentance from our national sins, and fortitude to bear up under the difficult times ahead. God bless, matthew Heyns 2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
Sign Time: September 22 2001 at 11:35:30

Visitor's Name: Gordon Mair
Email: glmair@cableone.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Ponca City, Oklahoma
Comments: I am a nephew of Eugene Waugh, 42nd Tank Batt. I am looking for anyone who may remember him.
Sign Time: September 20 2001 at 16:39:14

Visitor's Name: LeRoy Petersohn
Email: Pete 11th AD @ AOL. Com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Montgomery, Illinois
Comments: This is the first time since the convention that I have check into the guest book, and want to thank those that had anything to do with the convention to say "Thank You for the Job Well Done".
Sign Time: September 16 2001 at 21:04:11

Visitor's Name: William P. Wiesing
Email: w.wiesing@worldnet.att.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Hq. CC"B" 11th Armored Division
Comments: Yesterday was another day that will live in infamy. Americans however will once again pull together to overcome this great tragedy. Pray for all those who have lost friends and loved ones and pray especially for the President and leaders of our country as they address the task of uncovering the perpetrators and bringing them to justice.
Sign Time: September 12 2001 at 16:27:19

Visitor's Name: Charles White
Email: CW3661@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Belgium WI
Comments: I am searching for the whereabouts of Jack Harmon who was a member of the Washington State ASTP in Pullman WA. He roomed with Paul Roquet and me.
Sign Time: September 09 2001 at 17:39:11

Visitor's Name: Roger Marquet
Email: rmarquet@be.packardbell.org
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Belgium
Comments: Does anyone of you remember attacking Noville on January 14, 15, 1945 ? Your personal anecdote would be very interesting to me since I am writing a book about Noville at the time of the war. Thank you.
Sign Time: September 08 2001 at 12:09:44

Visitor's Name: John F Kelliher
Email: mchwind@ici.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: 21st AIB company A, 4th Platoon, machine gunner
Comments: Looking for anyone from the fourth platoon. Email me with your information. Looking Hickey from Alabama
Sign Time: September 07 2001 at 15:08:00

Visitor's Name: CPT John E. Cole, USA
Email: jecole94@earthlink.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Fort Stewart, GA
Comments: Gentlemen: It is with much regret that I have to announce the passing of my uncle, George Hjelt, CW3 (retired), USA on 1 September 2001 at his home in Shelton, Washington of a sudden illness at the age of 81. He was a great influence in my life, and one of the main reasons why I chose to make the US Army a career. When I was a child, and as recently as last week when I last talked to him, he would talk to me about his WW2 experiences and his Army career in the 11th Armored Division during the Battle of the Bulge and the Central European Campaign; and his later experiences in the Army up to his retirement in 1964. This has helped me in my career as a soldier and for this I am deeply indebted to him. I would love to hear from veterans who knew him so I could have further coorespondence. Thank you. -John E. Cole, CPT, Field Artillery, 3ID, Fort Stewart, GA
Sign Time: September 02 2001 at 23:48:13

Visitor's Name: Randell J. Richard
Email: randellric@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Sour Lake, Texas
Comments: I believe that my father, 1st. Lt. Gabriel J. Richard of Lafayette, La., was in the 41st Cav Rcn Sq, Mecz, but may have been transferred into the 55th Armd Inf Bn before arriving in Europe. His papers indicate he may have been a communications officer. If there are any of you great guys out there who may remember him, I would like to hear from you. He was wounded in Germany on Feb. 9, 1945. He died in 1955 when I was only 5, and I would love to know about his days in the 11th. Thank you.
Sign Time: September 02 2001 at 01:50:27

Visitor's Name: John J. Potts
Email: jrpotts@fidalgo.
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Bellingham, WA
Comments: Hello, I am looking for anyone who knew Forest Fay who served in the 11th AD during the war. I am doing this for his daughter who wishes to know more about her father's service. He died recently. I served in Vietnam as an infantry soldier and my respect for WWII vets is profound. Thank you. John Potts 1-360-752-0927
Sign Time: September 01 2001 at 12:51:46

Visitor's Name: John Kwiecinski
Email: jkwiecinski@kih.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Richmond, Kentucky
Comments: Did anyone know Ralph Parchini, who worked at the post exchange in Linz, Austria after the liberation of Gusen/Mauthausen? I like to contact his family.
Sign Time: September 01 2001 at 02:38:50

Visitor's Name: Ralph Smothers I
Email: aralphs@woh.rr.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Tiffin, Ohio
Comments: Mailing address PO Box 636, Tiffin, Ohio 44883. I would like to hear from anyone in my squadron. E-mail or mail. I was in Headquarters 41st Calvary Recon. Squadron
Sign Time: August 31 2001 at 09:09:55

Visitor's Name: Ralph Smothers I
Email: aralphs@woh.rr.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Headquarters 41st Calvary Recon. Squadron
Comments: Mailing address PO Box 636, Tiffin, Ohio 44883. I would like to hear from anyone in my squadron. E-mail or mail.
Sign Time: August 31 2001 at 08:53:11

Visitor's Name: joe carey
Email: joecarey@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: NJ
Comments: Does anyone know the story about when the 11th overran the Walther factory?
Sign Time: August 30 2001 at 17:01:08

Visitor's Name: George Yarnold
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: 41st tank bn. D Company
Comments: Hello from Beantown.
Sign Time: August 29 2001 at 18:36:52

Visitor's Name: Joseph Fiteni
Email: Dogz016@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Little Neck, New York
Comments: I visited this website and enjoyed looking at it.
Sign Time: August 28 2001 at 11:29:22

Visitor's Name: John Vedo
Email: johnvedo@hotmail.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Gary, IN
Comments: John Vedo, served with the 11th armored division. If anyone knew him or remembers him please send me a message. I'm his grandson.
Sign Time: August 19 2001 at 18:37:19

Visitor's Name: William Dozier McGuire
Email: A666exastra@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Notasulga, Al.
Comments: I am looking for anyone who knew my uncle,William Dozier McGuire PFC 55th AIB 11th Armored Div. He was killed on 14 January 1945. This is about all I know of him. ANY information would be more than appreciated. Thank you.
Sign Time: August 18 2001 at 22:09:34

Visitor's Name: Webmaster
Email: the11thada@yahoo.com
Homepage URL: http://www.11tharmoreddivision.com
You are from:  
Comments: We've added the following good reading to our history page: Booklet: "The Story of the 11th Armored Division". This booklet briefly covers the history of the Division and includes interesting photos.
Sign Time: August 18 2001 at 06:23:33

Visitor's Name: Eduard Schwertfuhrer
Email: eschwert@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Houston, Tx.
Comments: On 08-05-1945 I was a resident of Freistadt, Austria [12 years old]. I would like to contact anybody who remembers Freistadt, and also am looking for anybody who manned a checkpoint a few weeks later at a road junction about 15 km south of Freistadt close to a crashed B-17. Best regards, Eduard Schwertfuhrer
Sign Time: August 15 2001 at 22:16:30

Visitor's Name: marvin bishop
Email: mabishop@aikenelectric.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: aiken, sc
Comments: Would anyone in the SC, NC, GA, ALA, TN, VA areas be interested in building a Southeast chapter of the 11th AD? email me if interested. Marvin Bishop ( son of Pfc. James M. Bishop, DOW 4-24-45)
Sign Time: August 15 2001 at 06:18:57

Visitor's Name: Marvin Bishop
Email: mabishop@aikenelectric.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Aiken, SC
Comments: PLease post my new email address: mabishop@aikenelectric.net I am the son of Pfc. James M. Bishop DOW 4-24-45, member of the 21st AIB. Does anyone have any information on the fighting near Tittling, Germany 4-24-45? Thanks, and Best Wishes to all.
Sign Time: August 15 2001 at 06:12:54

Visitor's Name: Neil Howey
Email: nhowey@miningusa.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Elizabethtown, Ky
Comments: Wonderful website. I'm researching my grandfather's service in WWII and was so happy to find this site. It's helped me tremendously. My grandfather's name is Thomas S. Cowherd and he served in the Service Company, 22nd Armored Tank Battalion. If anyone might remember him, send me an email. It would be great to hear from you. Thanks!
Sign Time: August 12 2001 at 20:38:02

Visitor's Name: Sonya Fremin Sherman
Email: SSher40362@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Port Allen, Louisiana
Comments: Really enjoyed this site. My dad served in WW II with the 11th Armored Division. I think he was with the Company "A" 21 AIB. His name was Harding Joseph Fremin
Sign Time: August 05 2001 at 15:21:39

Visitor's Name: Robert A. Clemens
Email: savehistry@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Massachusetts
Comments: I was wondering if anyone can share any memories or anecdotes about the 11th Armored Division's experience during their stay in England. Information such as training and exercises, activities (what the soldiers did on their free time), or interactions with the British for the first time, would be interesting to learn. I appreciate any information you wish to share.
Sign Time: August 05 2001 at 08:53:20

Visitor's Name: Norman K Normandin
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Zellwood Fla
Comments: Company A 21st Armored Infantry Battalion Good luck at the convention. Hope to join you soon.
Sign Time: August 03 2001 at 15:35:34

Visitor's Name: TOM MC ATEER
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: PHILA ,PA
Sign Time: August 03 2001 at 11:38:53

Visitor's Name: Samuel P. Figaro Jr
Email: scfigaro@earthlink.net
Homepage URL: start earthlink. net/
You are from: Pinnelas Park Fl.
Comments: I served with HDQTR Squad B Co. 55th AIB and I'm looking to bump into some old friends
Sign Time: August 02 2001 at 17:14:49

Visitor's Name: Tim Caughlin
Email: tim_caughlin@acco.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Carol Stream, IL.
Comments: I would be interested in meeting and/or speaking with anyone who served with my father-in-law. His name was Fred Beckett, and he served in the 41st Cavalry Recon. Squadron, Co. F. Had he not passed away last September, I would be attending the reunion with him. If anyone who served with him is planning to attend the reunion, please contact me so that we can make arrangements to meet.
Sign Time: August 02 2001 at 14:15:11

Visitor's Name: Richard Goldberg
Email: sharick6@home.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from:  
Comments: My father, Albert Goldberg, was with the 713th Flame Thrower Battalion. If there is anyone that served with him, I would appreciate hearing from you. He is alive and well, in Farmington Hills, MI.
Sign Time: August 01 2001 at 21:56:20

Visitor's Name: William E, Shea
Email: wlucky368@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: East Hartford Ct.
Comments: Served in company f 41 Cav.rcn sqdrn.
Sign Time: July 21 2001 at 11:32:00

Visitor's Name: Milton Silver
Email: msilver468@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: New York
Comments: I was in HQCCA. Anxious to contact Joe Gomes from Calif. Thank you
Sign Time: July 20 2001 at 20:45:05

Visitor's Name: Mark West
Email: mwest@seas.upenn.edu
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Philadelphia PA
Comments: My father was a sgt. in the 41st Cav Recon Sqdn. from the beginning to the end of its history. I am looking for anyone who remembers Dad. His name was Mark N. West, also from Phila. (By way of Delmar, Delaware). Dad died 7/28/1982 at the age of 59.
Sign Time: July 16 2001 at 13:56:12

Visitor's Name: Frank Schneemann
Email: frank@schneemann.com
Homepage URL: www.schneemann.com
You are from: Philadelphia
Comments: Am looking for any information on my uncle, Joe Ford, who was killed in action serving with the 11th in WWII.
Sign Time: July 16 2001 at 06:51:45

Visitor's Name: Alfred D Dunn
Email: ALDDunn@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Columbus Ga.
Comments: Looking forward to seeing all at Kzoo
Sign Time: July 14 2001 at 14:56:13

Visitor's Name: Chris Schneider
Email: rwhit0007@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Mt Shasta, California
Comments: I am looking for WW2 vets who served with or knew my father, 1st Lt Louis E. Schneider assigned to the 575th AAA and later Division Liason officer for 11th Armored and present @ Malthausen liberation.
Sign Time: July 11 2001 at 21:03:55

Visitor's Name: edward smialek
Email: edsmiale@hotmail.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: largo,fla.
Comments: trp c, 41st cav loads of best wishes to all still with us.
Sign Time: July 09 2001 at 22:50:08

Visitor's Name: Tricia Goyer
Email: tricia@thegoyers.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Kalispell, Montana
Comments: I just wanted to thank everyone for their response to my posting. I've received notes from many men and families members from the 11th Division. I was also invited to the reunion, and I'm happy to say that I'm planning to attend with a fellow writer friend! I'm excited about meeting each of you and hearing your stories--they are stories that should be appreciated and remembered. Also, I've had an editor approach me about finding true stories of faith from WWII. If any of you have a story you would like to share please let me know. It would be for the "Stories from the Heart" book series. Thank you again. Tricia Goyer
Sign Time: July 09 2001 at 17:20:45

Visitor's Name: Dale Zanardelli
Email: dusttimes@yahoo.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from:  
Comments: Sheila Jackson-Lee, D-TX introduced a bill (HR 5671) to move Veteran's Day every four (4) years to Election Day to facilitate a public holiday for voting. Oppose moving this important remembrance day. For more info type "hr 5671" into your search engine and read the entire stupidity of this bill. Write or email your representative about this. Find your rep here. Sign Time: July 04 2001 at 08:44:56

Visitor's Name: Charlie White
Email: CW3661@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Belgium, WI
Comments: Check out what Representative Shelia-Jackson-Lee another one of those hyphenated "Boomers" wants to do to "Veterans Day" with her House Bill H.R 62 NOW. Write your Representative and put a stop to it NOW!
Sign Time: July 03 2001 at 10:58:46

Visitor's Name: Webmaster
Email: the11thada@yahoo.com
Homepage URL: http://www.11tharmoreddivision.com
You are from:  
Comments: Netscape users who are having trouble reading guestbook entries should upgrade to Netscape version 6.
Sign Time: June 30 2001 at 23:30:08

Visitor's Name: Charlie White
Email: CW3661@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Belgium, Wisconsin
Comments: If anyone from Wisconsin, aside from me, is planning to attend the reunion I would like to get together at the reunion to exchange news & thoughts on forming a chapter. It is getting late and it is no fun being a chapter of one.
Sign Time: June 28 2001 at 10:23:54

Visitor's Name: Josh Mayer
Email: jpgmayer@msn.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Iowa City Iowa
Comments: My Grandfather served in the 11th Armored Division during WW II receiving the Bronze Star. His name is Joseph Bossler, and I would be interested in hearing from anybody who served with him. Thank You.
Sign Time: June 23 2001 at 22:35:20

Visitor's Name: LeRoy Petersohn
Email: Pete11thad@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Montgomery,Ill.
Comments: Just finished Comments, enjoyed seeing the many units listed. It sure was great for this was my first time. I served with the 11th starting Nov.5,1942, Medical Detachment, 41st Armored Regt., after Camp Barkley Ijoined Headquarters CC'B' Medical Section and following the breakup, I joined Ord.of the 79th Inf. Div., which I came back to the states and Camp Kilmer, Dec. 10, 45. I will be at convention in August and hope to see many more CC'B' faces than in the past. See you all later.
Sign Time: June 23 2001 at 14:38:34

Visitor's Name: Alfred D Dunn
Email: ALDDunn@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Columbus Ga
Comments: Just a visit to the bulletin board to read the newest messages. I have my reservations for the reunion and hope to see everyone there.
Sign Time: June 21 2001 at 17:53:04

Visitor's Name: Tricia Goyer
Email: tricia@thegoyers.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Kalispell, Montana
Comments: Dear Sirs, My name is Tricia Goyer, and I am a writer from Kalispell, Montana. First of all, I want to express my appreciation for the 11th Armored Division. The more I read about the company's history, the more I am thankful for every sacrifice the men in that company made. I am also writing because I am currently working on a fiction novel concerning the liberation of the Gusen/Mauthausen camps of May 1945. As an avid reader myself, I know that fiction has power to share important history with many people that might never pick up a history text. In my novel, the main character is a member of the 11th Armored Division. While I have done extensive research on the Internet, my hope is to actually interview members of the division myself. My desire is to have the experiences in the novel be as true to life as possible, thus honoring the men who served. If you know someone that was a part of this liberation and can offer any help in this matter please feel contact me. I would appreciate any help on this matter. Sincerely, Tricia Goyer Tricia Goyer 710 Stone Street Kalispell, MT 59901 (406) 756-0799
Sign Time: June 13 2001 at 13:23:16

Visitor's Name: Webmaster
Email: the11thada@yahoo.com
Homepage URL: http://www.11tharmoreddivision.com
You are from:  
Comments: You can now use our site search engine to search our guestbook entries. Just go to any of our main web pages and locate the search link on the left side.
Sign Time: June 13 2001 at 09:41:40

Visitor's Name: ROY O. BOHNER
Homepage URL: http://
Sign Time: June 12 2001 at 14:58:50

Visitor's Name: Duane Mahlen C.C.B.
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Los Alamitos, CA
Comments: Surprised to get an message from Duane Mahlen? I have great relatives in San Jose with lots of computer savvy. Pleased to now read some of your messages on website. Look forward to seeing CCB folks (you got my mail/postal?), at Kalamazoo and of course all the rest of you Thunderbolts too from California and elsewhere.
Sign Time: June 10 2001 at 19:34:21

Visitor's Name: Jim Lankford
Email: buckshot@ipa.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Searcy, AR
Comments: My father served in the 11th and I am very proud of his military service. I am grateful to all who have served our country. My dad's name is James C. Lankford. He is still living. He was discharged in 1946 as a sargent. If any of you served with him send me an email and i will get a message to him
Sign Time: June 09 2001 at 02:19:54

Visitor's Name: Dwight T Nickell Jr
Email: rates1@msn.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Del City, Oklahoma
Comments: My Dad served with the 11th Armored Division. He has since passed away but I am trying to research his duty with your unit. His name is Dwight T Nickell, Sr. I am his oldest son and I am also an Army veteran and served in Vietnam, Desert Storm. If any one knew him I would very much like to contact them and talk with them about the experiences. Thank you.
Sign Time: June 06 2001 at 22:10:24

Visitor's Name: Jim Power
Email: jpower2@midsouth.rr.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Tennessee
Comments: Have just finished reading, "Patton and the Battle of the Bulge",Michael & Gladys Green, MBI Publishing co.and found it a good concise history of the battle. Many pictures. For someone interested in an overview, this is a good choice. 11th mentioned several times. For you oldtimers,the pictures will bring back memories.
Sign Time: May 31 2001 at 17:06:25

Visitor's Name: daryl revoldt
Email: daryl.revoldt@mail.house.gov
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: canton, ohio
Comments: Do any veterans remember a Howard Hornbrook of Navarre, Ohio, serving with the 11th Armored Division?
Sign Time: May 30 2001 at 16:17:19

Visitor's Name: Robert A. Clemens
Email: savehistry@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Massachusetts
Comments: I was wondering if anyone had any histories, memories, and/or pictures of any of the following training camps during WWII: Camp Polk, Louisianna; Camp Barkeley, Texas; Camp Ibis, California; and Camp Cooke. (I most interested in what Basic training was like then and what it consisted of. In additon, I would be interested in learning about the Desert Meneuvers in the Californa Desert in 1943). Thanks in advance to anyone who has something they would like to share.
Sign Time: May 29 2001 at 20:27:56

Visitor's Name: Alfred D Dunn
Email: ALDDunn@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Columbus Georgia
Comments: I just wanted to let you know i visited the site,and to read the new messages.
Sign Time: May 29 2001 at 15:40:29

Visitor's Name: Charlie
Email: White
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Hq Co CCB
Comments: Need to know the guard duty General Orders. E-mail me at CW3661@aol.com
Sign Time: May 27 2001 at 17:06:32

Visitor's Name: Robert A. Clemens
Email: savehistry@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Massachusetts
Comments: It would be a pleasure to speak with veterans that had served with my grandfather...Pfc Charles J. Hocker. He served in the 11th Armored Division, 21st AIB, Company B, 1st platoon. I am interested in the soldier's recollections of the battle at Chenogne on the 30th and 31st of December, 1944. Any stories or memories you can share about the battle and/or my grandfather would be greatly appreciated. I want to thank all the veterans for their sacrifices and all those involved in setting up this great website.
Sign Time: May 27 2001 at 09:39:13

Visitor's Name: William P. (Bill) Wiesing
Email: w.wiesing@worldnet.att.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Hq/Hq CC"B"
Comments: Since the near midwest is a hotbed for former Hq/Hq CC"B"ers; looking forward to a banner attendance at the Kalamazoo Convention this year. On the Internet? Please post response. See you all in August BW
Sign Time: May 22 2001 at 13:29:55

Visitor's Name: Sharon Day
Email: johntday46@hotmail.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: California
Comments: My Dad was a POW in Stalog 17A and I like to help Veterans. I myself was in the Army during Viet Nam. Anyway, I'm trying to find a friend named Alfred Bradley for a neighbor of mine named Wayne White. They servered together in the 497 Field Art. C Batt. God Bless all that served.
Sign Time: May 17 2001 at 18:45:20

Visitor's Name: Byron Gordon
Email: byronpgordon@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Grand Isle, Vermont
Comments: This is great. Wish I could remember more names of guys I served with so long ago.
Sign Time: May 16 2001 at 14:18:40

Visitor's Name: C. Grieb
Email: dagriebs@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from:  
Comments: I would like to talk to men who served with my father, Earl A. Bahr.
Sign Time: May 09 2001 at 10:13:01

Visitor's Name: Alfred D Dunn
Email: ALDDunn@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Columbus Ga.
Comments: It gives me a warm feeling just to pull up that big beautiful 11th armored div.patch
Sign Time: May 08 2001 at 13:57:19

Visitor's Name: Charles K. Brown
Email: ckbrown@southernco.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Birmingham, AL
Comments: Great web site! I just wish my father could have seen it, he passed away six years ago! My dad, Thomas W Brown, 11th Armoured, 490th AFA, Company C, lived just outside of Kalamazoo with my mother. He is buried in a small cemetery in Scotts, MI. I have passed the information to her about the reunion and she is looking forward to attending. I would like to make contact with anyone who knew my dad during those years, I have some history on his unit but would like talk to some of you that were there. Thanks again for your service and enjoy the Kalamazoo area!
Sign Time: May 04 2001 at 15:41:39

Visitor's Name: ROY O. BOHNER
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: ARLINGTON, TEXAS
Comments: Please register my E-Mail address as: Name:ROY BOHNER Unit Company:B Battalion:55AIB Relationship to Veteran: SELF Email Address: ROY.BOHNER@LMCO.COM
Sign Time: May 03 2001 at 13:20:44

Visitor's Name: Phyllis Quinn
Email: pnmsch37@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Oak Harbor, Wa.
Comments: I am planning on attending the convention at Kalamazoo. I would like to know if there are any widows who would like to share a room to help minimize expenses. I can be reached at the email address listed or by phone at 360-240-9633.
Sign Time: May 02 2001 at 15:09:42

Visitor's Name: Monique Grein - Haupert
Email: gnormand@pt.lu
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Luxembourg / Europe
Comments: Thanks to all veterans helping liberate Europe. As I found your site while searching for a Gi I will leave my message here maybe someone knows him and can give a helpful hint. I try to locate Cpl JAMES R. ADAMS 467th Engineer Maintenance Company stationed in Rodange/Luxembourg in December 1944.Thank you very much in advance.
Sign Time: May 01 2001 at 18:36:30

Visitor's Name: Audrey (Decker)Sutton
Email: audrey.sutton@Microchip.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from:  
Comments: Please anyone who knew my father Allen C. Decker who was a 1st Sgt with the 41st Tank Battalion/11th Armored Div during WWII please contact me.
Sign Time: May 01 2001 at 15:05:48

Visitor's Name: Webmaster
Email: the11thada@yahoo.com
Homepage URL: http://www.11tharmoreddivision.com
You are from:  
Comments: We've added some rare new insignia donated by Dave Kaufman. View them here.
Sign Time: April 28 2001 at 13:26:33

Visitor's Name: Frank Hartzell
Email: bussh@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: B Co, 21st AIB
Comments: I'm very happy that there is an 11th AD web site. Would love to hear from any of my friends from those long ago days
Sign Time: April 27 2001 at 22:53:00

Visitor's Name: Doran A Sauers
Email: dsauers@voyager.net
Homepage URL: http://free.guestpage.com/home/sign.rc?login=the11thad
You are from: Carrollton,OH 44615
Comments: March 5,1945 Gen Holbrook`s tank, CCA combat tac HQ, was blown up killing the crew, Dernsky,Hummel,Judkins and Lieber. Does anyone remember the name of the village in Germany where this happened ?
Sign Time: April 21 2001 at 09:16:49

Visitor's Name: Jim Power
Email: jpower2@midsouth.rr.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Co "C" 55th AIB
Comments: How many of you infantrymen remember your rifle serial #? And did other branches have such a relation with their rifle that they had to memorize the serial #? Just remembering & wondering.
Sign Time: April 19 2001 at 16:38:36

Visitor's Name: Stephen P Mossner
Email: smossner@rogersgroupinc.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Nashville Tenn
Comments: I'm trying to compile a history of my father's (Richard J. Mossner)war time units. I belive he was in the 11 Armored Division. He operated a tank (M-18). If there is any who has information on these units I would like to here form them. Thanks
Sign Time: April 18 2001 at 14:41:55

Visitor's Name: Betty Synovec
Email: rowley@ptcnet.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Pierce, NE
Comments: We'll be seeing you all in August, Betty Synovec Company C 41st Tank.
Sign Time: April 12 2001 at 17:37:20

Visitor's Name: Alfred D Dunn
Email: ALDDunn@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Columbus Georgia
Comments: We should show our appreciation for this service by utilizing it to stay in touch. Anyone who remembers James Cecil [jim] Harrison who was in one of the Artillery Bns.and was from Paris Tennessee. If you know his whereabouts or what happened to him please let me know. Thank you. Al Dunn
Sign Time: April 11 2001 at 09:04:34

Visitor's Name: Pat Kazlo
Email: jkazlo7@usadatanet.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: NY State
Comments: STEVE MONTAGNOLA searching for other members of the 63rd Armd--Co B--11th Armd div--3rd Army.Left Camp Shanks in '44--froze feet in Fr. and arrived back to the states in May '45
Sign Time: April 08 2001 at 20:52:12

Visitor's Name: Polly Ann (Petruska) Taormina
Email: AdmiralAnnieT@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: West Palm Beach, FL
Comments: You deserve a round of applause for this website! I have just printed off the complete site for my father, Dennis Petruska, who was a former President of the 11th Armored Assoc. I am interested in hearing from anyone who may have attended one of my Dad's infamous Association picnics or the numerous parties he used to have at our home. My childhood memories of the other servicemen who laughed with Dad are some of the best I have. I know that my father would love to hear from his old Army buddy friends. Also, does anyone have any pictures that were taken at Dad's Association gatherings? Replies welcome! NOTE: You can also contact my Dad at "Louie-1924@webtv.net" in Michigan.
Sign Time: April 07 2001 at 03:01:01

Visitor's Name: Daniel W. O'Brien
Email: danncathyo@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Wenatchee, WA
Comments: With a heavy heart, I must report that our esteemed 11th Armored Division Association President, Eli Warach, passed away on April 2, 2001. Please visit the Home (Index) page and click on the link entitled: Tributes in Memory of President Eli Warach. You are invited to post your email message there to comfort his family, comrades, and friends.
Sign Time: April 06 2001 at 12:39:38

Visitor's Name: Matt Bischoff
Email: MBischoff@sricrm.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: SRI
Comments: I am writing a history of the Desert Training Center and wanted to find out if anyone would be willing to share their experiences while there. This would have been between October 1943 and February 1944, at Camp Ibis and throughout the desert on maneuvers. If so, send me an email. Thank-you
Sign Time: April 05 2001 at 18:36:01

Visitor's Name: Roy N. Judd
Email: dljudd@earthlink.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: 9101 Washington, Kansas City MO. 64114
Comments: We are enjoying the new website of the 11th Armored Division and appreciate the people that are responsible for setting it up. Looking forward to seeing everyone in Kalamazoo in August.
Sign Time: April 03 2001 at 19:58:08

Visitor's Name: William Glenn Culver
Email: wgclakewood@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: 10990 W. 30th Ave. Lakewood CO 80215
Comments: Memmber of Company B 42nd Tank Battalion. In late March or early April 1945 2 Tanks in front of me and 3 behind me were knocked out by antitank fire. This action is discribed on bottom of page 105 in the Division History "Thunderbolt". Would like to obtain access to 42nd Bn history and get names of the men of Company B that were killed or wounded that day. I recollect that there were 5 killed, including 2 Lieutenants, and 5 wounded. I would appreciate any help in this matter.
Sign Time: April 03 2001 at 16:13:47

Visitor's Name: Marvin Bishop
Email: jabishop@mindspring.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Aiken, SC
Comments: Does anyone know if there is a written history of the 21st AIB? I have a copy of the 11th AD history but there isn't much on the 21st AIB. Would anyone be interested in getting together to write a 21st AIB history if there is not one? Thanks!
Sign Time: April 01 2001 at 19:02:04

Visitor's Name: tanna folden
Email: tannabanana29@hotmial.com
Homepage URL: http://msn.com
You are from: Climax Springs, Missouri
Comments: If you knew a Virgle McGlothlin he served in the Battle of the Bulge. Don't know what division but if anybody knew him or heard of him please contact me at my e-mail. THANKS!!
Sign Time: April 01 2001 at 14:46:37

Visitor's Name: randy white
Email: rcmdkwhite@ecr.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: centerburg, ohio
Comments: My father served in Germany in a tank division. His name is Dessell white and he is from Centerburg, Ohio. I would like to hear from anyone that may have served with him. Thanks!
Sign Time: March 30 2001 at 21:30:50

Visitor's Name: Ralph Holzwarth
Email: ralphie@acmenet.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Niverville NY
Comments: It's great to have such a website. I was in A Battery, 492nd Armored Field Artillery Battalion and would like to hear from anyone from this unit. I was also in the ASTP at the University of Oregon, studying the Portuguese language and would like to hear from U. of O. people. In 1943 I played fullback for the Ducks (or Webfoots as we were called in those days) and I can remember a huge guy with a Swedish name who used to open big holes in the line for me to run through. Also remember Mrs. Turnipseed who ran the kitchen and used to make us big lunches to take out when we climbed Skinners Butte with our girlfriends. (Whatever happened to them?) My roommates at Oregon were Fecarro, Fenstemaker and Geary. Sgt. Ed Geary (55th Inf., I believe,) died a couple years ago but was best man at my wedding in Paris, France in 1949. I revisited Bastogne and surrounding villages a few years ago and looked for my former foxholes but nature had erased almost all the destruction of the war. In the company of my matronly female Belgian taxi driver, we checked out the German cemetery and both had a good cry, looking at the graves. What a foolish thing war is.
Sign Time: March 29 2001 at 18:39:35

Visitor's Name: James M. Power
Email: jpower2@midsouth.rr.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: 55th AIB, Co "C"
Comments: I am trying to get in touch with anyone of the 55th who was in the permanent crossing into Austria. I had the remnants of 2 squads in "C" company and I am trying to determine when & where we crossed and in what order. Thanks for all the workthat went into setting up this site.
Sign Time: March 29 2001 at 12:12:15

Visitor's Name: Deiter Markland
Email: thunderbolt@netnitco.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Wheatfield, Indiana
Comments: My grandfather was Noel Seeker of C company, 63AIB. He was killed January 13, 1945. I would love to hear from anyone who might have known him. Planning to go to the reunion in Kalamazoo, hope to see many of you there.
Sign Time: March 28 2001 at 22:29:26

Visitor's Name: L. L. Goolsby III
Email: llgiii@yahoo.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Fort Worth, TX
Comments: My grandfather, Lonnie L. Goolsby, Sr., was commander of Company "C" 42nd Tank Battalion during World War II. This is a part of his life that he never really talked about. Since his death, I have gained some insight into these years but still yearn for more. Any stories, letters, experiences, and/or pictures anyone can share would be appreciated.
Sign Time: March 28 2001 at 20:08:28

Visitor's Name: Harvey Hosid
Email: shosid@home.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Owings Mills, maryland
Comments: Enjoy reading the Association's newsletter, and now the website.. Both my brother and I are members and would appreciate any information about our father, Philip Hosid Company D 110th inf. HQ55AIB
Sign Time: March 26 2001 at 19:53:54

Visitor's Name: Jeffrey Neff
Email: jrneff@rochester.rr.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Rochester, NY
Comments: Great website. I'm really glad this got set up. My dad, Hermen Neff, was with Co. F of the 41st Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron throughout the war. It was great reading general Greene's account of the link up with 2nd Armored Div. at Houffalize. My dad was part of that task force. The best account I had read prior to General Greene's on your web site was in John Toland's book: "Battle - The Story of the Bulge". Anyhow, thanks for the great job and keep it up... you're doing a wonderful job!
Sign Time: March 22 2001 at 20:25:45

Visitor's Name: Marcus Lecin
Email: Beachbubbee@Compuserve.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Lavallette, N.J. 08735
Comments: I was drafted from Jersey City, N.J. during WWII. I served in Company A, 21st Armored Infantry Battalion. 11th Armored Division. I would appreciate hearing from anyone who served with me.
Sign Time: March 22 2001 at 17:10:33

Visitor's Name: melanie Findlay
Email: pawsnfx@parrett.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Southwest Michigan
Comments: Great Site. MY Dad would be so proud! I am looking fro the 740th Daredevils Tank Battalion. Can anyone direct me?
Sign Time: March 15 2001 at 12:50:15

Visitor's Name: Toni DeGain
Email: step2tx@mediaone.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Michigan
Comments: I would like to say thank you for such a wonderful website. My friend Vicki was looking for some kind of information for her mother. Her mother's stepfather was killed during WW2. She was only 12 at the time and still has not had closure on his death. Not only was I able to find his buriel site, but was able to find out how he died. This was all thanks to your wonderful website. Vicki is going to give her mom the booklet I downloaded about the cemetery and the information of the battles he was in and how he died. His name was Clifford K. Mock. He was in the 41st Tank Battalion, 11th Armored Division as a Tech 4, Radio Operator. According to other information I gathered he was awarded the Purple Heart. Thank you for helping to bring closure for her loss. And Thank you all for the sacrifices you made. Sincerely, Toni DeGain
Sign Time: March 14 2001 at 21:18:19

Visitor's Name: Dennis Petruska
Email: louie-1924@webtv.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Clinton Twp. Michigan
Comments: Company D 42nd Tank BnAny messages contact me
Sign Time: March 10 2001 at 16:09:11

Visitor's Name: Robert Goldman
Email: rgoldman@bellsouth.net
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Florida USA
Comments: I'm looking for info on all tanks used by the 11th from training to the end of the war. I'm working on a Model project for my Dad Balfour Goldman all I know he was in company A and his tank had the name "AVENGER" on it All I can trade for ino is some picture of mine from my servie in the Israel Defence Force. TIA Rob
Sign Time: March 06 2001 at 13:19:11

Visitor's Name: Herman George Keseling lll
Email: Jg3793kn@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Cuero,Texas
Comments: Received your email and was real glad to here from you. Thank you for letting us know that his name is on the web honor roll and in the Association records. He died on March 3,1945.If there is anymore imformation you need please let us know.
Sign Time: February 27 2001 at 21:55:52

Visitor's Name: Herman George Keseling 111
Email: Jg3793kn@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Cuero,Texas
Comments: 11th Armored Division website is wonderful. My father was in "B" Company of the 11th Armored Division and was killed while serving his country. If it have not been for you'll where would be today
Sign Time: February 26 2001 at 22:54:06

Visitor's Name: SSG Robb Mourton 3/383rd/75th Div. Jeff. Barr. MO.
Email: sgt102543@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: St. Louis MO.
Comments: My Father-in-law passed away recently and I am interested in learning about his service in WWII. His name is Ben Hogland and he was assigned to Btry C 575th AAA AW (SP). His last rank was as a First Serg. And according to his records he earned 3 Bronze Stars. Please help me in putting together a history of his movements from basic until he was released from service. Good or bad...Any man who answered the call and served is a HERO! God Bless You and Thanks Please contact: SSG Robb Mourton Training NCO MED/CSS TEAM 3/383rd 75th Div. Jefferson Barracks Mo. E-mail: SGT102543@AOL.COM or write: 717 Cascade Ter. Crt Ballwin, Mo. 63021
Sign Time: February 24 2001 at 10:59:04

Visitor's Name: Kenneth E. Reuss
Email: kenneth78@springmail.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Spring Park, Minnesota (B Btry. 492nd. A.F.A. Bn.)
Comments: Just happened to come across this web page and was so excited to find it. This should help us to perpetuate our existence. Congratulations to all responsible for this.
Sign Time: February 21 2001 at 22:47:30

Visitor's Name: Judith Alexander
Email: Jalexan901@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: USA Retired
Comments: Am trying to find out info on my Uncle's unit. I know it was 11th Armor Div., 63rd Armor Inf. His name was PFC Michael A. Rawley and was killed on Jan 1, 1945 or perhaps it was really Dec. 31 1944. I would appreciate any help in gaining info on his unit etc, but most especially would like to hear from someone who may have known him.
Sign Time: February 21 2001 at 13:12:25

Visitor's Name: William Ripley
Email: snafu947@yahoo.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Indiana
Comments: Hello. I would like to take a moment to say "Thank you" to all the vets, and also to invite them to contact me. I am a WWII living historian, and we put on displays of original uniforms, equipment, etc. for schools and such. I have a list of questions I would like to send you. The replies are being used for a book and to help make our displays better for the public. Thank you for your time, and I hope to hear from many of you soon. Wm.T. Ripley
Sign Time: February 01 2001 at 15:11:39

Visitor's Name: Art D. Venzin
Email: fantasticsam@home.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: son of Arthur Venzin 11th AD 55 AIB Co. "B"
Comments: My father was Art Venzin 55 AIB co "B" from '42 to end of war. He passed away in March 1996. Dad was very proud to have been part of the 55th AIB but had never talked about his time in the war until '92 when we visited Bastogne. If there are others out there that knew my Dad or would like information on Co. "B" and some Co. "A" of the 55th please feel free to contact me.
Sign Time: January 30 2001 at 17:26:28

Visitor's Name: Roger Marquet
Email: rmarquet@be.packardbell.org
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: BELGIUM
Comments: I plan to write a third book about the 11th' story. For that purpose, I want to know a little bit more about the Mauthausen liberation and especially : who were the first men to arrive into the camp. I guess they were from 41st Cav.Recon. and probably Kosieck, Pickett, Saunders or Torluccio (remember me charles ?)were involved but I wish to have more precisions. Thank you for any answer on my e-mail or on this website
Sign Time: January 27 2001 at 17:23:11

Visitor's Name: Paul Wacker
Email: none
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Wellington, Ohio
Comments: I was a member of the 55th Artillary Infintry Battalion. I was dischared in 1946 and would like if anyone in my unit reads this to please mail me at, 701 North Main, #27, Wellington, Ohio 44090
Sign Time: January 27 2001 at 16:05:45

Visitor's Name: Daniel W. O'Brien
Email: danncathyo@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Web Site Editor
Comments: The 11th Armored Division Association wishes to thank the Turner Publishing Company for graciously granting permission to reproduce unit histories and other materials which were published in the 11th Armored Division Thunderbolt Books, Vols. I, and II. Please visit "Our History" pages to access these articles. A link to Turner Publishing Company is included in "Related Sites".
Sign Time: January 27 2001 at 14:35:46

Visitor's Name: Matthew Flowers
Email: TankDestroyer@carolina.rr.com
Homepage URL: http://members.aol.com/TankDestBn823rd/page4.html
You are from:  
Comments: I do not have a copy of the 11th Armored Unit history, but I do know that most unit histories have a roster, so can some one see if there is an Eddie Pacek, listed.
Sign Time: January 21 2001 at 00:43:21

Visitor's Name: MARVIN BISHOP
Email: jabishop@mindspring.com
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: sc
Comments: my dad, pfc James M. Bishop, was with the 1st platoon, Co A, 21st AIB, WOUNDED 4-24-45,and DOW. near Tittling, Germany. would appreciate hearing from any member of the 11th, or 21st AIB. Dad is buried in the Lorraine AM MIL Cemetery, St. Avold France
Sign Time: January 20 2001 at 09:06:32

Visitor's Name: Dale Zanardelli
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Webmaster
Comments: Changes to guestbook to add email line below name. Older postings can be replied to by clicking on the Name of the individual posting the message. DZ
Sign Time: January 17 2001 at 16:50:29

Visitor's Name: Ray Johnson
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Bell, CA
Comments: I came from an ASTP unit in the Russian program at University of California in March 1944 and was with B Co., 21st AIB until May, 1945. I've enjoyed meeting with B Co. members at reunions and am looking forward to attending the Michigan reunion. Glad to learn of this web site. Ray Johnson
Sign Time: January 17 2001 at 16:01:26

Visitor's Name: William P. Wiesing
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Hqtrs. Co. Combat Commamd "B"
Comments: Wanting to confirm where subject company was on Easter Sunday, April 1st, 1944. My recollection is that attached units liberated a small town which I choose to call Kaltensundheim. Remember collecting weapons and cameras etc. in a big pile and billeting remaining residents in a local barn. Looking for confirmation or disavowal of the name of this town.
Sign Time: January 16 2001 at 15:25:09

Visitor's Name: Roger Marquet
Homepage URL: http://www.users.skynet.be/bulgecriba
You are from: Belgium
Comments: It is amazing to read in the 11th website that some veterans officers said that the Division jumped off on December 29, 1944 ! Accordingly to all the After Action Report of all the units being part of or attached to the 11th, accordingly to the testimonies of ALL my numerous veterans friends from all the different units (some of them took notice of that day in their daybook or else), accordingly to the official history of the 11th, accordingly to all the historian writers like Hugh COLE or CharlesMcDonald, the 11th Armored jumped off on December 30, 1944. It is a fact that the 63rd A.I.B patrolled in Belgium before December 30, but it cannot be looked as a true jumping off. Even the 63rd had his real jumping off day on December 30, 1944 when attacking Remagne. I already had a polemic correspondence with D.A.Howard about that but we were not able to solve the problem. Please, Thunderbolts, tell us your own testimony. Thank you. Roger Marquet Belgian Honorary Lifetime Member
Sign Time: January 15 2001 at 09:59:30

Visitor's Name: Gary Burkemper
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Old Monroe, Missouri
Comments: My dad, James Burkemper, was in the 490th Armored Field Artillery Battalion. He passed away in November 1999. Dad always spoke highly of the people he was in the service with. I would appreciate any correspondence.
Sign Time: January 15 2001 at 08:17:18

Visitor's Name: Richard Berge
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: San Francisco
Comments: Alt Aussee, Austria-May, 1945. I am a documentary producer for PBS, and my colleagues and I are producing a series about Nazi art looting in World War II. We are trying to locate living veterans who were in the 11th Armored Divison when it escorted the priceless Nazi art collection from Alt Aussee to Munich at the end of the war. Members of the Division were responsible for protecting in transit literally the greatest collection of art ever assembled in history. It was a risky and diplomatic mission. The Austrians were screaming because they thought they ought to keep the loot (after all, they argued, it was found within their borders!). And the American OSS was concerned that fanatical Nazis in the Bavarian region might try to capture some of it to use a symbol of Aryan resistance later on. Of course the sheer value and fragility of the works was a serious concern. We would really like to find living participants who can describe this experience for posterity. Any advice?
Richard Berge
Actual Films
26 Fell Street
San Francisco, CA 94102
phone 415-575-9999
Sign Time: January 12 2001 at 12:04:40

Visitor's Name: Roger MARQUET
Homepage URL: http://www.users.skynet.be/bulgecriba
You are from: Belgium
Comments: Congratulations to the webmasters. I just want to send my best regards to all my 11th veterans friends. Best wishes to all of you
Sign Time: January 09 2001 at 17:23:06

Visitor's Name: jeff hansen
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: minnesota
Comments: seeking information on an 11th A.D. veteran from WWII named Joe Pucel. We know he served in the unit, lack details, please help. He was my wifes father, and I am 2nd A.D. veteran.
Sign Time: January 07 2001 at 15:22:23

Visitor's Name: Dale Zanardelli
Homepage URL: http://www.11tharmoreddivision.com
You are from: Web Master
Comments: All previous postings are now listed on our new Guestbook. Postings that were cut short in our old Guestbook should be reposted now.
Sign Time: January 04 2001 at 22:02:10

Visitor's Name: John P. Dorrity
Homepage URL: http://
You are from:  
Comments: I am Assistant Director of the Ocean Cty Veterans Service Bureau (NJ). I am also a disabled Vietnam combat Veteran. Presently, I have a poster with all of the unit crests in my possession. As a tribte to the men of the 11th, I am having our graphic arts d
Sign Time: January 04 2001 at 21:40:04

Visitor's Name: Charlie White
Homepage URL: http://
You are from:  
Comments: Before it is too late the remaining members of CCB should get together and write something to explain CCB to posterity.
Sign Time: January 04 2001 at 21:39:29

Visitor's Name: Ronald Beedy
Homepage URL: http://
You are from:  
Comments: My uncle,Clayton Aaron Beedy, was KIA in Belgium. He was with the 41st Cav. Recon. It would be great to hear from anyone who might have known him. I was about 2 yrs. old so do not remember him of course. I a combat veteran of Nam (25th Inf. Div., 4th Bn.9
Sign Time: January 04 2001 at 21:38:51

Visitor's Name: William P. Wiesing
Homepage URL: http://
You are from:  
Comments: Many thanks to Dan O'Brien, Charlie White and the rest of the team for getting the THUNDERBOLTS on the web.
Sign Time: January 04 2001 at 21:38:11

Visitor's Name: Jim Love
Homepage URL: http://
You are from:  
Comments: My dad was with the 41st Cav Recon Sq. of the 11th AD. He was killed in Germany at wars end. Thank you for this site.
Sign Time: January 04 2001 at 21:36:58

Visitor's Name: William P. Wiesing
Homepage URL: http://
You are from:  
Comments: Thank You Dan O'Brien, Charles White and all others who helped to put together our 11th Armored Division website. To all you history buffs out there, does anyone know where the 11th was on 4/1/45, (Easter Sunday). Our map shows we were in the neighborh
Sign Time: January 04 2001 at 21:36:27

Visitor's Name: Gordon Mair
Homepage URL: http://
You are from:  
Comments: Nephew of Pvt. Eugene Waugh 1-1-45 42nd Tank Battalion.
Sign Time: January 04 2001 at 21:35:37

Visitor's Name: Greg Urda
Homepage URL: http://
You are from:  
Comments: The website looks great.
Sign Time: January 04 2001 at 21:34:51

Visitor's Name: Charles White
Homepage URL: http://
You are from:  
Comments: To all the visitors. Pass the word and solicit contributions. Keep this page alive and ever changing.
Sign Time: January 04 2001 at 21:34:18

Visitor's Name: William F. Komorek
Homepage URL: http://
You are from:  
Comments: It's great to see that we now have a web-site for the 11th. Kudo's to Dan O'brien and his committee.
Sign Time: January 04 2001 at 21:33:44

Visitor's Name: Art Sharbel
Homepage URL: http://
You are from:  
Comments: This is great! Thanks to Dale Zanardelli and Dan O'Brien for putting this together. We look forward to keeping in touch.
Sign Time: January 04 2001 at 21:32:59

Visitor's Name: Frank Stout
Homepage URL: http://
You are from:  
Comments:An exciting step for the 11thADA. Kudos to Dale Zanardelli and Dan O'Brien on a great job.We now have a website to be proud of!!
Sign Time: January 04 2001 at 21:31:15

Visitor's Name: Daniel W. O'Brien
Homepage URL: http://
You are from:
Comments: As chairman of the Web Site Committee, I encourage everyone who visits our site and wishes to keep in contact to forward your email address. We will keep in touch, and advise you of new postings as they occur.
Sign Time: January 04 2001 at 21:31:15

Visitor's Name: Dale Zanardelli
Homepage URL: http://11tharmoreddivision.com
You are from:  
Comments: Welcome to our new guestbook. This is the first message on our new guestbook. Please feel free to post and read messages about the 11th Armored Division here.
Sign Time: January 04 2001 at 11:58:36

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